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2386 results found
Moderator of 2nd Debate is a Trump Hater
If a moderator of a debate had "worked for the other guy" and written a very negative editorial towards YOU, what would you think? You might think it was a set up for a biased debate and you would be right. THIS IS THE CASE! THE MODERATOR WAS AN INTERN FOR BIDEN, AND YES, HE HAS WRITTEN A VERY NEGATIVE OPINION PIECE ABOUT TRUMP! And you idiots wonder why we don't trust any of YOU leftists! WE hope Trump blows this one up, too!
1493rd ranked -
Joe's Gaffes and Suppressed News By AOL
Joe's comments on Cuba and hispanics should totally anger the black community. What political suicide, but that happens every time Joe opens his mouth! AND where is your headline, where Sally throws Comey under the bus to "save" Biden. AND YOU LEFTIST pundits JUST CAN'T LET THE RUSSIA, RUSSIA, RUSSIA DEBACLE GO, even though it has fallen apart piece by piece. Even Sally admitted that she wouldn't have signed the FISA warrants if she had known then what she knows now.
808th ranked -
How can I dump AOL? Cant stand your biased news, every bit of it is awful. Nothing truthful
How do I dump AOL?
1493rd ranked -
Stimulus Talks Languish?
The reason the talks languish is because of the "Christmas Time" Pelosi wants. She wants health care for illegals among other things, and more things that have nothing to do with covid relief. She won't give in because she cares more about regaining power than the people she claims to serve! READ THE DETAILS!
1493rd ranked -
Your Far LEFT Propaganda Reporting Appeals to Useful Idiots, Embarrassing!!!
Try being unbiased. Report facts only. I know it's hard when you jones for communism, but try comrades'.
4175th ranked -
What are you dip-wads at AOL going to do when Trump is gone. You will have no purpose in life. All you have done for 4-years is **** on the president, so no what. Your latest effort to make him look dumb is that you are pushing a story that he will pardon himself. PARDON himself for what? AOL is a nothing more than a smear campaign against Trump. I look forward to seeing how you plan on kissing Biden's *** when he is president and Kamala's *** when she becomes president after they declare poor Joe incompetent. YOU SUCK
4175th ranked -
enough with the advertising already
you make people hit ads while reading it is not right for people with problems with their hands and Parkinson disease and tremors its cruel and you disgust me I watch my father and it brings me to tears sometimes, anything for money you sicken me
4175th ranked -
Is there a way that I can get real articles on the aol home page, and not clickbait bs? It is really offensive, and gross.
Headlines on aol flip through real news, and garbage clickbait articles. I want to be able to filter out the garbage.
808th ranked -
1493rd ranked
1493rd ranked
Stop with the liberal leftfest!!!
Absolutely true
1493rd ranked -
Your news is so biased to the idiot left, it reminds me of the propaganda from China or Russia, where totalitarian regimes rule with an iron fist and nobody dares to question the absolute authority of the leftist regime in power. You do realize that if you just played it fair, you would attract so many new customers and your ad rates would go up and life would be good. But when you push the idiot propaganda, you lose.....
230th ranked -
Burn down your building where you house your liberal BS communist propaganda.
The heading pretty much says it all.
4175th ranked -
Stop Pulling Messages
As long as the comment is ethical and moral - stop blocking them. The people have a "right" to post something that IS NOT damming and your reviewers pull comments on spectific people which is absolutely WRONG!!!
4175th ranked -
Quit posting lies about trump
Have some morals and values, quit being fake news, the election isn’t over by the way so you better buckle up, and yes the election was corrupt.
2331st ranked -
aol is antiamerican biased website that is a true enemy of all americans
your website is trash and it is enemy of all americans
4175th ranked -
Bring honesty and actual news to AOL News. You can read comments to you and see overwhelming distrust of your credibility.
You can read comments to you and see overwhelming distrust of your credibility. You have a definite Leftist bias and you think you are serving the gods so you look down your noses at criticism to that effect. However, all you have gained in your stubborn loyalty to all things LEFT is the distrust of everything you offer under the misnomer NEWS. I will most certainly urging Congress to investigate your monopoly status that enables you to propagandize at will while offering no recourse to any other opinion.
1493rd ranked -
THAT'S what you got out of the debate?!
After all of Biden's childish behavior during tonight's Presidential debate, you post all anti-Trump garbage??!! You are just another biased, liberal news outlet I WON'T be coming to for news or anything else for that matter. I won't be buying your advertiser's products or reading your journalist's BS articles. I WILL be coming here for my free AOL email accounts to read my emails and log off! By the way, name-calling during a Presidential debate is like laying a giant goose **** at the altar at your own wedding.
1493rd ranked -
4175th ranked -
4175th ranked
- Don't see your idea?