cant figure out how else to get this to you... your msg and mine in return... thanks
From: chathamms@aol.comTo: ChathamMS@aol.comSent: 2/24/2020 5:45:22 PM Eastern Standard TimeSubject:
Re: Identifying Official AOL EmailDear AOL Computer Support Folks---- I think I made a significant error this afternoon in what started out as a question about a message I got that pretended to be AOL Official mail but looked fishy to me and I called about it.
Anyway your staff was quite helpful but appears I made a couple of decisions that are not workable "for me" and dont know how to correct it. As I said it started with a question about an email I received that was "supposed to be from AOL" and I was calling to see if it was valid or not. It wasnt.... and the conversation grew into buying a couple of AOL products or systems or whatever they are called.I cant even figure out how to install these things
.... ie, for example, I havent a clue in the world what the **** a browser is let alone how to check on it as suggested, if I did find it.I think I need to cancel this stuff and simply take my computer to the local shot and have someone who knows what this stuff is.... cause it aint me.I fear that if I keep screwing around trying to figure it out I will just ***** up more stuff.
And I sure dont want to do that or ***** up our relationship with AOL which has been going on for a good long time now... So it appears we would both be better served to cancel, delete, or whatever it is we need to do to make this stuff you sent me go away and I will pack the Dell computer down to the local shop and have them wrench on it if it needs some systems updated...
If there is a cost or charge for this error of judgement on my part for telling AOL staff to go ahead, let me know and will gladly compensate you. I dont want to ***** up our phone which my wife has me carry all the time is 540-354-6165 and email is both of which I have had for years.
I no longer have the landline which is likely on our aol account 540-981-0356 as my wife canceled it a while back while I was out of town. Please let me know what I need to do to back these changes (half way done or ??) ... I will be most appreciative, but have proven once again that your average mini-Schnauzer is better with this computer stuff than I amMick and Dawn Michelsen225 N. MapleVinton, VA 24179cell
In a message dated 2/24/2020 1:10:42 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:Identifying Official AOL EmailDear FREDRICK MICHELSEN, Thank you for contacting AOL Member Services. At AOL, email security is one of our top priorities. To help you identify important Official AOL Mail andor AOL Certified Mail versus spam or fake mail from a phishing site that may be trying to steal your personal data, see below. Official AOL Mail When we have important information for you about your AOL account, we'll send Official AOL Mail. Here's how to identify when an email from us is Official AOL Mail: If you're checking email using a web browser or on your mobile device – a small, pink AOL logo will appear in your Inbox next to Official AOL Mail. Once you open the email an "Official AOL Mail" banner appears above the email.If you're checking email using AOL Desktop Gold – a small, blue envelope logo will appear in your Inbox next to the Official AOL Mail. Once you open the email an "Official AOL Mail" banner appears above the email.Learn more about Official AOL MailAOL Certified MailIn addition to Official AOL Mail, when we have an important message about your AOL membership or AOL products you've purchased, we will send you AOL Certified Mail. Here's how to identify when an email from us is AOL Certified Mail: If you're checking email using a web browser or on your mobile device – a small, green ribbon will appear in your Inbox next to AOL Certified Mail. Once you open the email an "AOL Certified Mail" banner appears above the email.If you're checking email using your AOL Desktop Gold – a small, blue ribbon logo will appear in your Inbox next to the AOL Certified Mail. Once you open the email an "AOL Certified Mail" banner appears above the email.Learn more about AOL Certified MailAOL will never ask you for your username, password, or any other private account information in an email we send to you. Be on the lookout for emails claiming to be from AOL that ask you for this kind of information, and please mark them as spam!Thanks for choosing AOL. Sincerely, Your AOL Member Services Team Please note that this email address cannot accept replies.Privacy Policy | Customer Support©2020 Oath Inc. All Rights Reserved. AOL Email, PO Box 65101, Dept 5627, Sterling, VA 20165-8805.

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