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  2. Here is an idea that everyone would love RESTORE THE INBOX AS THE HOME SCREEN!!! HATE YOUR JUNK

    Here is an idea that everyone would love RESTORE THE INBOX AS THE HOME SCREEN!!! HATE YOUR JUNK

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  3. When opening AOL, I would like to open either my MAIL or The Lighter Side, not top stories. Is there a setting for that?

    When opening AOL, I would like to open either my MAIL or The Lighter Side, not top stories. Is there a setting for that?

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  4. Let users rate/comment on articles in newsfeed

    Let users rate (thumbs up/thumbs down) and comment on articles on the newsfeed to be more transparent. All sides of political news should be covered to be fair and honest but please cover the facts. It’s not an editorial or opinion page, it’s the news.

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  7. How long does it take Product Support to gather feedback?

    Why don’t you get Product Support some help? They’ve been gathering information for over a year regarding AOL opening up to mail instead of News. Apparently it is a hard subject to get feedback on (I’m not sure why because there is A LOT of people weighing in on this subject) but they OBVIOUSLY need a lot of help. Please get some more people on it and change it back to opening in MAIL please.

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  10. I have ptsd. I worry all the time and get easily sucked in to drama. No political News just Mail. Google already messes

    To have the option to see anything but politics when I open the MAIL App. Like maybe my mail. There are plenty of other options for news

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  11. Stop the Trump bashing.

    Stop the Trump bashing every single time I try and open my email. It’s obsessive, lies, and target against one person. It makes me want to end my subscription with you that I’ve had for over 20 years.

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  12. Stop being nasty libtard News

    The most Bigoted News anywhere!

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  13. Stop with the liberal anti republican news

    Stop feeding AOL members anti Republican based news

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  14. Present Objective News not Leftist Narrative

    The person who curates your news sources must be a Leftist Democrat. The sources being used are far left and heavily biased against Republicans and President Trump, in particular.
    Where is the reporting of the 10M illegal immigrants welcomed in by the Biden Homeland Security? Why do the articles bias the story by calling them “migrants”? Legal immigrants are wonderful and the basis of our historical success. Not vetting anyone and allowing over 1M officially ordered for deportation due to criminal activity to remain free in this country is a story that needs to be told.
    Why only have The…

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  15. TOO many Trump stories!!!

    Every other story is about Trump. If I wanted to read about politics I’d subscribe to a political channel.

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  17. Stop religious propaganda ads

    I’ve reported AOL twenty times this month for putting religious ads in my feed.

    You don’t respond to feedback. I am still receiving them. It’s is offensive to humanists and you are wasting your clients’ budget with poor targeting.

    Why ask for feedback when you have no intention of acting?

    This relates to Hyphen ads

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  19. Stop promoting communism

    Stop promoting communism

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  20. STOP using FAKE NEWS CNN articles!😡

    STOP using FAKE NEWS CNN articles!😡

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