AOL Super App for iOS
This forum is for you to make product suggestions and provide thoughtful feedback. We’re always trying to improve our products and we can use the most popular feedback to make a positive change!
This forum is not monitored for any support-related issues. If you need assistance of any kind, please visit our help site.
Tell us how we can improve your AOL App experience. The more specific your feedback, the more useful for us. While we can’t respond to every suggestion, we review regularly and take them very seriously.
615 results found
Biden is a crook
report on Joe Biden in china report on why Joe Biden colluded with China
Separate choice to delete Avatars.
I HATE the Avatars, most of which are just initials. They take up too much room on my phone. And they don’t add much. We should be able to choose no Avatars with out giving up the info in 1 line or more.
Make the color customization go away
Make it optional if we want a color background instead of white. I will be changing my email address on all my accounts so I can delete this account.
you ask for feedback and then block submissions
i am unsubscribing
How about you keep my server running?
Server not available all day, which is not infrequent. Is it racial?
Alternate colors?
It’s hard to tell which email begins and another one ends. Can you alternate the colors of the different email messages?
Need to be able to view next email without going back to inbox, the same option has been in all previous versions.
Need to be able to view next email without going back to inbox, the same option has been in all previous versions.
Nicknames doesn’t work.
Please fix nicknames. My accounts don’t show up with the nicknames I entered.
Sort accounts
Please allow us to manually sort our accounts in the account list.
Have the app startup at news
Have the app startup with news not email signin
Make AOL default email on iOS
Now that iOS is allowing different default mail apps, with the new AOL app update it would be nice to make AOL my default app.
I personally like my older version of emails
I prefer my emails the old version of what I had
- Don't see your idea?