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  1. 21st ranked

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  2. News Options

    1) please add a Settings option that allows us to open the app to our Mail, or set as a default.

    2) The news always opens to the presidential election and it is extremely biased in favor of Harris. It’s always negative about Trump. We all see through this and it amounts to propaganda. I do not want to see news on AOL about the presidential election. It doesn’t even allow a local option.

    3) Provide options to create a custom feed so we can eliminate specific topics we don’t want, such as the presidential election.

    4) If You cannot…

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  3. Relax on the obviously bias “news” stories… so much verifiably false propaganda.

    Would love to be able to block the news that is clearly spreading lies and doubt due to the bias of the company.

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  4. Don’t want to see your newsfeed page when I open the app. Go back to going directly to mail when I open the app.

    Whatever you did, thinking it would improve the app, didn’t. Now I have to see your newsfeed page every time I open it. I don’t like it! Go back to the way it was, when opening the app goes directly to my mail inbox. Ever heard the phrase “If it ain’t broke don’t fix it”?

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  5. 8th ranked

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  6. Stop opening app to news feed!

    Stop forcing us to see news page first! Not interested in your sources for news!

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  7. Please stop taking me directly to the news side, I’m not interested when I open my email

    Please stop taking me to the news side on aol, I’m not interested in looking at that when I check my email. Thanks!!

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  8. Get out of politics and stick to email

    This app has become incredibly biased towards the extreme liberal ideologies that most of what we see are fake news stories and divisive stories. Obviously the majority of this country is tired of these attempts by the right wing media and they need to be banned from this app. Either fix it or delete the news section all together. AOL is meant for email and not picking political sides. Last chance AOL or my account of 24 years gets deleted and moved to a different provider.

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  9. 175th ranked

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  10. Provide an option of which media outlet we choose whether it be liberal or conservative. I do not like the liberal news that comes on my new

    I feel that there’s division on what type of news outlets people believe. I think it would profit the majority if there was an option on which type of outlets you like to come on your newsfeed. I’m conservative and I prefer fox. I know other people prefer other outlets, which is fine. I would like the option.

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  11. Deceptive newsfeed

    Why is it that I am forced to read biased articles on my newsfeed and I do not have the option of requesting that I am sent relevant articles instead like they do with Google. What is AOL afraid of?? All of the comments and votes that we should not be forced to read lies instead of seeing our email when we open it are falling of deaf ears. How much is the left wing paying you to stuff their propaganda down our throats!!

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  12. More variety in news sources

    Use other news sources not just “press association”

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  13. 139th ranked

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  15. Eliminate news

    Please give us the option to disable your leftist news feed! This is supposed to be an E-MAIL app, not a stage for anti-Trump propaganda in my face. I will close my 20+ year account and forward all to yahoo or google if this is not fixed. I’m sick of being forced to view your agenda before being allowed to check my email.

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  16. Why is Russia ******* release not at top of news?

    Russian ******* released last night. Why not at top of news feed? Ridiculous.
    Your reporting is so biased and slanted left. Report the positive things happening.

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  17. Stop

    Stop wok news

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  18. Keep news outlets and tabloids separate

    Stop listing the New York Post with credible and reputable news organizations. The New York Post is a tabloid publication for entertainment purposes only.

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  19. Take NBC off news feed. It all twisted facts

    No one listens to MBC anymore. They are so biased and alarmist. You need balanced news outlets. At minimum include News max or Fox etc. Unbalanced reporting is causing divisiveness. But maybe that’s what you want

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  20. Remove left leaning biased news.

    Only default to mail when opening.

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