AOL Mail Nodin
Tell us how we can improve your AOL Mail experience. The more specific your feedback, the more useful for us. While we can’t respond to every suggestion, we review them regularly and take them very seriously.
Please contact our help site if you’re experiencing an issue that prevents you from using Mail as expected.
25 results found
Tech Support
I think you need to better brief your tech support people. I called this morning asking how I could move between signatures on this system and was told it was not possible. After spending a fair bit of time today working through the settings, I found it really is good and is actually faster than the old way--but this should have easily been told to me by your tech people--not through my trial and error
106th ranked -
see below
you tell me 2 step sign in is because you are protecting me so you can not turn it off until i buy one of the plans you are pushing is bs i should turn you in to bbb
111th ranked -
No Settings available in the e-mail menu
No Settings section is available in the e-mail menu. When I choose to go to Settings, I am redirected to the Account information. Please provide an update of the e-mail app where Settings are included.
Moreover, there are no formatting options available when drafting an e-mail. No font options, no option to insert hyperlinks, nothing. Please provide an update of the e-mail app that allows for some formatting.
115th ranked -
Unable to Access New Email in Inbox
Dear AOL
For 2 days now I have been unable to access my New Emails in my Inbox on Standard viewing. No matter how much I tried it has been useless. All what I get is a blank page with endless loading in the middle of the blank page.
I went on line and found out that as at yesterday, AOL had an Outage affecting certain Post codes and the problem had been resolved. My Post Code: SW9 8FE was not involved. Then why am I unable to access my email?
Since the new changes to AOL, there have been…
127th ranked -
Standard Version not working consistently.
Since the classic email was taken, I have had trouble with the "new" standard version. I have Windows 10 and I use Firefox. I have trouble opening new mail and old mail. IT doesn't work in Chrome either. The icons do not work. I can get other folders, like the sent folder, but the entire folder does not appear just the most recent. I cannot send email. I can click send. I have called repeatedly. Jake did something, and everything did work for a couple days. Mia and I tried many things but I had to go. Max suggested shutting…
127th ranked
- Don't see your idea?