sort by sender
Sort by sender in New Mail is needed. It's available in folders, but not New Mail, which is where I like to filter things out. New Mail currently only allows to sort by date. I've had to create a new folder to put new mail into so I can sort it, but if I don't deal with it immediately it tends to get forgotten because it's not in the New Mail that I see each time I log in. Thank you!
Karenska commented
AOL!!!!! PLEASE, ALLOW NEW MAIL TO BE TOGGLED/SORTED BY SENDER! This enables your users (a dying breed) to delete mail so much easier. We boomers don't have that much time left. Resorting to the older version doesn't do it. And clicking GROUP CONVERSATION does not do it. I do not have group conversations chosen in the browser version of my AOL.
Marc Weldon commented
imagine it being 2024 and not having sort features on any other column than date🤦
Unified Inbox Style supports more sorting options.