I just want classic email back. I've had it since 1995. Can't handle the change, don't mess up what already works.
John Necarsulmer commented
I can't believe we were not warned about this change to our email, nor given an easy choice to return to the Classic setup. I am in the middle of sending multiple important emails and am unable to reply to an email in a new Window but forced to work in a small portion of a single AOL window below the inbox. This is why I do not use Gmail for important work.
Diane Simonsen commented
If I am not switched back to Classic my the end of July, I am leaving AOL for good for Gmail. Give us back Classic. I have stayed with you all of these years as I liked the interface. The new version is awful. I could have had that on Yahoo if that is what I wanted. Give us back AOL Classic.
Pat Carvill commented
This new version is awful, and I seem to be stuck with a choice of either the new version or the basic version, neither of which is satisfactory. Why not just keep the classic view, if only as an option for those of us who prefer it?
Falling Rock commented
First, I would like to say that AOL did a good job on the design of the p[revious setup. The only thing I would request strongly as an improvement in that setup would be, to ask that the "flag" or starring of the user's important selections, in the Inbox list, be given four or five (5) contrasting ccolors, in order that the user could grade the items in several levels of priority to himself. Second,therefore, I agree with the statement above. . Horrible, that the window now takes up so much space and delivers less of useful info than the previous setup. The truncation of Subject and From information is counterproductive, when the typefaces are so big that the characters that fit into those columns are too few to impart enough info for the entries to be useful! For another glaring example, there seems to be no way to reduce the typesize in the setup features, like the sidebar, and, very offensively, in the signature block, that leaves the composer of a message with aaa huge, glaring discrepancy between the typesizes. Looks like AOL gave the design work to the wrong people, this time. But, why? Yahoo isn't this bad; why is AOL so badly out of step?
The new version does not appear to be fully tested. Lot of good features from Classic email have been lost in the new version. Some critical menu items appear grayed out as if they are not available/active. Text color option shows pasteI colors without an option to choose bold color. Also highlighting the text background does show up. I liked the simplicity of format of classic version as compared to the format of gmail. That is why I stayed with AOL for all these years. I would prefer to use classic version until all the old good features of classic version are made available in the new version.
SHAME ON AOL for eliminating Class Mail. This new system is ****, ****, ****!!!!
New version on desktop does not update from changes (read or deleted emails) made on mobile device. Bring back the old version!!!
JOHN ENOT commented
Dear AOL... I have been with you since 1996. You just changed my email user interface automatically to something that I DO NOT WANT!!!!!!!!!!! Switch this back immediately... give us the option to choose the old user interface... or I am OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WTF??? Someone in your marketing/customer service dept needs to be fired for this ******* move! There is a reason that AOL users have stayed all of these years with AOL... because we like the way our email looks and works. NOBODY wants this change!!! Just read all of the pages of comments here! #MORONS!!!!
Janet Grant commented
WHHHYYYYY don't you give us the option to go back to Classic email, AOL??? I don't understand why you tried to "fix" something that wasn't broken in the first place! Classic mail was perfect just the way it was!
ALAN MESSING commented
You haven't watched Target and Budlight lose thier customer base. AOL, you are insane for messing with what works for your loyal customers. How long have I been with you while everyone ditched and went to Gmail? Apparently too long. How hard was it to keep the Classic as an option? What I am doing all day today is out loong at other email severices that are as close as classic as I can get and leaving a company I used for 40 years for my business. Not that you are listening, but get the Classic Option up fast, because once I switch, I am not coming back. Aol is going to be the myspace and napster in about 1 month.I would get busy.
ZION HILELLY commented
It's like Classic Coke versus New Coke. There's no comparison because New Coke was a DUD. Bring back Classic AOL!
I agree with most all of the other comments. This new version of AOL mail stinks! It would be nice if we even know if they read our comments, but I'm sure they don't. If they did they would have asked us before they made all these changes. Give me back Classic Email!
I have low vision and the "new" aol mail layout is utterly confusing.
Your new version of AOL mail SUCKS!!! Tell us how to go back to the old one
Amy Jumper commented
Yes, please bring back Classic email. If I wanted new and modern, I would switch to Gmail. AOL's best feature is its timeless appeal, so please don't mess that up.
Stop messing with something that works well. Classic AOL was perfect. The new version of AOL is the worst. It is slow, user unfriendly, and worst of all, does not allow you to open up emails in separate tabs/windows. I hate this new version of AOL. I want classic back!!!
Anita Walker commented
We are paying for your service. It is my email and you have essentially paralyzed my account. This has ruined my internet life completely. My blood pressure may NEVER recover.
Xxxx Xxxx commented
How to switch from AOL to Gmail: https://www.wikihow.com/Switch-from-AOL-to-Gmail
Xxxx Xxxx commented
How to switch from AOL to Gmail: https://www.wikihow.com/Switch-from-AOL-to-Gmail
Xxxx Xxxx commented
How to switch from AOL to Gmail: https://www.wikihow.com/Switch-from-AOL-to-Gmail