STOP shoving "related contacts" in our face when sending an email. They are NOT related. Just 1 more nuisance to click off before I can send
STOP shoving "related contacts" in our face when sending an email. They are NOT related. Just 1 more nuisance to click off before I can send. RESTORE the ability to highlight and drag rather than having to cut & paste. REMOVE the silly logos on email addresses and RESTORE plain text so that we can highlight & move them to the body of our reply to avoid premature sending. And MOVE THE SEND BUTTON away from the end of the text we are composing to avoid premature sending. Hey, how about PUTTING IT BACK ON THE TOP TOOL BAR????
Madeline Helms commented
Get rid of the stupid monograms that make it almost impossible to send email to a variable list of recipients. May be great for social media junkies but not for business or organization use. And get rid of the "related"contacts (and their monograms) that totally interfere with building a list of recipients.
Better yet, gey rid of the entire new version of AOL. What a total mess!