Please put SEND at the top of the mail window !!
Please put SEND at the top of the mail window !! Also some space at the bottom of the mail window please !!! I really want to have more control of the way my mailbox works.
Why did my Send button just disappear? Where do I go to try to correct this? How many hours will this take me to figure out?
Much more convenient if send is at the top of the email... Thanks
I am absolutely baffled by the fact that you changed what was the most obvious and easiest way to display a vital command. I have an 11-year-old grandson who would be glad to fix this for you.
Thomas Foster commented
Please Restore the Classic System, this current untested version has obviously been made live in error....
WHY do you have send, or reply or attach at the bottom!!!!!!!!!!! ESPECIALLY SEND!!!! It makes no sense. You type your message, go to the top (where it WAS AND SHOULD BE!) and then realize you have to scroll all the way down to the bottom to find it. WHY DID YOU MAKE THINGS HARDER FOR PEOPLE TO SEND AN EMAIL!!!!!!!!! Somehow to your designers of these horrible changes it may seem like a simple thing - were they users before???? I'm sure NOT because the changes you made are not intuitive for users. Your changes suck and I hate it every day.
Linda Patton commented
It seems to me SO OBVIOUS that the SEND bar should not, should never be at the bottom of the email. There's SO many reasons here - just one is that the bottom is no where near where you're working - if it's an email that I have originated or, WORSE, if it's a reply!!! Because then the bottom, where the SEND bar is is WAY WAY WAY distant from the message and you constantly have to scroll down to find it. WHY OH WHY OH WHY would ANYONE put the SEND at the bottom?????? But, you know, it goes with the entire WRONG-HEADEDNESS of whoever created this new NIGHTMARE VERSION of a system that was working JUST FINE. And so I say, along with EVERYONE ELSE - bring back the original AOL......PLEASE!!!!!!
It is frustrating when something new come to us without warning or information on how to use it.
Make the outgoing EMail addresses smaller like before so the send command can be on the screen. Also we need an up and down bar on the right side of the box.
Annaka Johnson commented
Please stop changing what works into what doesn't work!! Return the email controls to the top or at least give me a choice in having it returned to the way it was!!!! Stop messing things up!!!
FRANK X PROGL commented
these used to be at the top of the I need to scroll down to the bottom of the email chain to find them. And this is an "improvement"?????
Annaka Johnson commented
The new email application does not allow to send unless you scroll all the way to the bottom and reduced the brower screen three times before the send button shows up. The design is not responsive to screen devices. I hit the expand email to full screen and I get the opposite result. I attach a document through click and drag and it doesn't show me its been attached unless i scroll to the bottom of the screen adding more frustration to my day. Please fire the ux team for this design. Use the same design choices in classic aol. This is torture for your customers. unless that is your desire for all people to abandon your product. which is a possibility in todays world.
Wilma Probst Levy commented
It is inconvenient to have both the Send and Spell button at the bottom of the page. If one is typing an e-mail more than a few sentences, one must scroll all the way down to hit Sepllcheck or Send. Please put thoese buttons back at the top of each Compose page.