no good type size and spacing options
As far as I can tell, there are only two type and spacing options...1: VERY small type..smaller (and thinner) font than I have ever used in email. OR 2: Giant type with huge spacing between lines...allowing very little information on a page....which is not an option at all...just a big, fat magnification of #1. Most email programs I have used have multiple type and spacing view and compose options.

Arlene Sperk commented
Go back to the original font colors. These are terrible!
It would be wonderful to have a font size between the standard in new email and the enlarged size. One is too small and the other too large - in between would be PERFECT. Thank you.
Eric Durand commented
On devrait, comme ça l'était avant, pouvoir programmer la couleur du texte de mail et non pas manuellement à chaque rédaction de mail.
Jeanine Normand commented
Bring back font type and size again. I can't see my emails as I'm typing. Sans serif fonts are too hard to read especially now that everything is so small
Fonts and sizes are ridiculous. Modern? Modern Wide? No 11 pt? 10 pt is too hard for many to read. 12 pt looks like yelling when responding to an email in often-used 11 pt. And your "Modern" faces are too heavy. Please stop "improving" and get back to basics. After recently changing my default email text to 10 pt Modern from 12 pt, a BUSINESS email that looked fine on my end (except its forced 10 pt) arrived with 10 AND 12 pt text in one email. Need some help? Look me up in LinkedIn. This is what I do for a living.
When I send emails the margins are too large and the recipient loses some of the letters or words on each line. Also true if I try to print a copy of an email that I have written. HOW CAN I CHANGE MARGINS TO A NARROWER SETTING. Someone please get back to me or I will have to go to gmail. Thank you.
Lori Batey commented
Please restore font size and style options as they used to be. Also font color options. EVERY BIT of the changes to the font features are TERRIBLE. The new font size is too limited and does not work anyway, the font style is NON-existent, and the COLORS are UNREADABLE! The basic BLUE has always been a standard--now GONE. Purple is unreadable because it is too light, etc., etc., etc.
AND...just because you aren't hearing from us disgruntled users doesn't mean we are in acceptance mode. on the contrary we are EXHAUSTED trying to CONVINCE YOU & YOUR TEAM that you royally screwed up. These are NOT enhancements they are impediments. You had something that people LOVED ; something all companies strive for and you took it away and replaced it with something we seriously DISLIKE some might even say HATE. PLEASE use some wisdom by listening to your customers. -
V j Spindler iii commented
The last two days, either my outgoing messages start with smaller text than I have in my settings, or the lines are jammed together with little to no spacing—just like this text—making it difficult for the receiver to read.
Stop changing the font size for me when I write. If I want it bigger, I should be able to do it myself. Even the font size in my message windows is controlled for me. I hate everything about this new, much less user-friendly look.
Marie J Phillips commented
I hate that everything DOUBLE and triple spaces, even when i copy it from another place and paste it in. Give us MORE choice in font size, colors, and STOP the automatic double and triple spacing! If I paste a snippet of text from a document that is SINGLE spaced it should STAY that way.
I really want to control size of fonts in the emails. I'm not a one size fits all. and your limited font sizes to medium, large and extra large do not fit with my settings on my computer. THEY ARE ALL to large to fit my typing field area and it is hard to read. AND I'm guessing they look stupid on the receiving end. I pay for this service and you have made it so difficult to use.
Starla Kramer commented
I REALLY MISS all of the color text choice we had in the Classic AOL. My garden club's branding is teal and there is no option for our color. The dark green is ugly and the lighter greens and yellow are worthless because they are too light for an email. There is only 1 blue and it's drab. Where is the bright blue and navy blue option?
GEORGE STORY commented
Please add a font size option - the typed letters are too large - you only give an option to change the font even larger, I feel like I'm shouting at people!!!
PLEASE return to the old format!!! with out dates and with easy open attachments!
I use a specific font for my emails (Modern No. 20) in a dark green font. These were available to me in the OLD AOL but not avalable in the newest edition of AOL. I also had the option of selecting the HTML format but it is apparently not available in the newest AOL, although there is reference to it in the Support section. To supposeldly access it, one had to go to option under the username and select settings and mail setting and then compose. But there are apparently not available in the new AOL. Why broadcast that if it is not available?
Shoba Nayar commented
There are so few font options. I want the one I used with aol mail for decades but was told that is not possible
Michael Howard commented
The available font colors are very pale, almost pastel. Please make the font colors darker, as dark as the black font color.
SUSAN FAY commented
Font colors are so pale you can't even see them . Need the Bold Blue color and other bold colors
DON SPANGLER commented
How you decide how to format you messages is primitive compared to old options. If you want to use a font like comic sans or a more formal font and determine actual size you should be able to do so. You have tried to dumb it down. We are smart enough to do that!