Dnn't see it yet.You keep messing with perfection as below.This must have just happened.
I see you have now added "Attach Giff. Now impossible to send pictures
or I own memes to the body of the mail. This is the final straw. The picutres are so tiny even on my big screen I cannot see the picture.
You took a simply beautiful AOL and turned it into more trouble than
it is worth. I do't like your silly giffs. I like to send my own and the old traditional attachtment. I don't like your memmes and you have shrunk the traditional giffs so much I cannot see to choose from your attachnent forder. Original funny giffs are too small to see. It is like your staff is bored and playing kiddy ideas instead of valuing the loyals. is not easy to see what I want to send. WHY Don't you care what the old AOL people loved about this platform. Heartbreaking. What are you thinking. I am searching for a better mail.
Even gmail is better than this. Sad.