Let me see my own email
Hi, we'd like to hear more about this issue. Could you please contact us at so we can look into it? We're also available on X @AOLSupportHelp.
LINDA LAFARO commented
Where on email body can you increase or decrease font size in letter body?
frank penna commented
cell phone app for aol is adjustable for old mail,sent mail etc
in the new mail, after I red an email, it does not go to the old mail automatically
How do I delete, with one click, all the photos in AOL's Pictures Folfer?
John Cox commented
I sometimes forget to highlight the whole of my important emails to definitely set all the text as 12pt - even though it LOOKS as though it is all 12pt - and I sometimes see some paragraphs at random have reverted to 10pt when I look at the email in the SENT folder.
Janna Morrison commented
Why are ALL the SPAM ads SCAMMERS?? Put back the option to BLOCK SENDER. Why is it after I use "move emails like this" a few times it stops working? Its one thing to make us put up with legit email advertising on free accounts. That's reasonable. BUT that's not what I'm getting. ALL THE ADS I GET IS FROM SCAMMERS. No other email provider allows scammers to freely email everyone. Exactly 2 emails from each sender? What are the odds of that happening with real scammers? no... I suspect its AOL doing the scamming. (to try make us switch to paid accounts)
You have a responsibility to not allow scammers emails. Preventing us from blocking them, reporting them, and creating filters against them? looks REAL SHADY on your part. I bet the FTC would want to hear about what your doing. I know this isnt allowed! -
Richard Levine commented
I have a filter that says "if sender includes XYZ" (that's a hypothetical) "then just move it to 'deleted.'" This has been ignored, this filter. Over the past few days, more than a dozen emails with XYZ are *not* put in "recently deleted" to go away forever, but instead continue to fill the spam folder. Is there a point to the filters we can create?
Colleen Hain commented
Mail from senders that I've been receiving for years suddenly stopped. Somehow blocked, but not in spam. HELP!