blocked addresses
Blocked addresses are listed alphabetically, that means that old addresses and new addresses are mixed together in one list. With a maximum of 1000 addresses, when I delete say 100 addresses to make room for more new ones, I also delete current addresses that are currently filling my inbox. Please allow AOL users to sort the blocked addresses alphabetically AND by date. This will allow AOL users to keep the most recent blocked addresses while reducing the blocked address total below the 1000 maximum. Also, would it be possible to allow deleting a group of blocked addresses, say all blocked addresses in the list between 500 and 1000? Otherwise, AOL users have to manually do this with, in this case, 500 clicks. And, finally, would it be possibly to permanently block spam addresses that use the same basic name, such as ?

Judith Plopa commented
Is it possible to Un Block my Contacts?
Jane Pembrook commented
It is very time consuming to manage the blocked email addresses. I sometimes get up to 50 spam emails a day! There has to be a better way to do this. Please allow deleting groups of blocked emails, say all blocked emails from 500 to 1000; or allow deleting by date received, say all blocked emails that are older than a certain date or older than 1 or 2 months. This would end having to delete each blocked email manually. I am wearing out my keyboard manually deleting hundreds of spam emails. Finally, there are certain spammers that slightly modify an existing address such as Would it be possible to permanently block promoacru and all its variations? And then permanently block any other spammer who creates a certain number of variations of the same basic address to fill email boxes. As it stands now, I have to handle each spam email at least once, sometimes twice. The 1000 blocked email maximum creates a real headache for me. Please do something.