Jessica Moore
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14th ranked
Jessica Moore supported this idea ·
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19th ranked
Jessica Moore supported this idea ·
86th ranked
Jessica Moore shared this idea ·
37th ranked
An error occurred while saving the comment Jessica Moore commented
THIS HAPPENED TO ME!!!! I called to complain that the last year it seems like all of my political posts where I say ANYTHING liberal or talk about sexism or defends my left of center ideas will get REJECTED FOR NO REASON. I even called and said I want to talk to the operson who decided MY COMMENT violated some dang guidelines when Ive read those guidelines and my comment, IN NO POSSIBLE WAY IN THE UNIVERSE, could have violated the guidelines and the lady said its all just computer generated so there is no human being who moderates any of the comments and I said "well then there dang well should be since my comments keep being rejected again, FOR NO REASON!! I'm SO careful about the guidelines I'll even put in symbols for any words I think it might reject my comment for-there was an article about school dress code and I was livid and said that "talking about it in this manner is what leads to r@pe culture" because I didnt want them to have an excuse to reject my comment but it was still rejected!!! I called to ask where to complain about this and apparently there is no where to copmplain to except these ghost town blogs where aol staff probably doesnt even care to read!!! AOL you aren SEXIST AND YOUR ROBOTS WHO DECIDE WHICH COMMENTS ARE REJECTED CLEARLY MUST BE RIGHT WING OTHERWISE I THINK YOURE LYING ABOUT NOT HAVING ANY HUMANS MODERATING COMMENTS! ALSO WE SHOULD BE ALLOWED TO REQUEST THAT A REJECTED COMMENT BE LOOKED AT BY AN ACTUAL HUMAN AND THEY HAVE TO TELL US EXACTLY WHAT WE SAID THAT VIOLATED ANY STUPID GUIDELINES!!
19th ranked
Jessica Moore supported this idea ·
10th ranked
Jessica Moore supported this idea ·
24th ranked
An error occurred while saving the comment Jessica Moore commented
Excuse me my name is jess and ever since dial up internet became extinct aol email has been free for everyone. I have had my same email since I was 14 years old. Ive literally never even heard of having to pay for an aol email account , at least not in the past 20 years. I didnt even know AOL HAD services that required payment! Are you actually paying for your email account?? Why?? No one on earth pays for email! No company charges for an email account! Ive never heard of anyone paying for an email account in my life. Go get yourself a free gmail account now and stop wasting money on whatever you are paying for. I dont even know how a person would go about purchasing a paid email account because they are all free. I keep seeing people on this site complaining about paying for things for NO REASON! Why would anyone ever pay for email!?
Thats funny because everytime I write a comment fully within the guidelines mind you, not addressing anyone on particular, not insulting anyone, not cursing, not saying anything innapropriate whatsoever, and my comments are constantly rejected whenever they talk about sexism or violence in schools or I mention r@pe culture or just in general anything left of center whether I violate guidelines or not! Thir stupid bots that do the comment rejecting are just set to an algorythm, there is no humn being looking at them to make sure it is rejecting comments that should be rejected or not! I suggested we need a dedicated complaint center or have a way to "disagree" with the fact that our comment has been rejected & have a HUMAN look it over and then either re-post it or tell us in a letter EXACTLY what we did to violate any dang guidelines! Using all caps or saying that a certain program is "stupid and infantile" are NOT violations of the guidelines, btw but it seems the bots don't like anything that contains "mean or adult words". My last post was about the school dress code article & I was tryingt o explain how its not OUR JOB AS FEMALES to make sure our bodies arent being too distracting 4 boys and that contributes DIRECTLY to victim blaming & takes us backwards & I cant believe its been like 30 yrs and I still have to listen to this sexist garbage when all you have to do is just have everyone wear a uniform so it isn't unfair, doesnt inevitably devolve in2 a discussion about "girls wearing tank tops dont have anyn self respect" since someone ACTUALLY said that at the board meeting and my entire comment was rejected. Oh and I wrote it in a much more calm and sophisticated tone, by the way. Unreal, AOL.