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AOL Desktop Gold

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61 results found

  1. Adg security feature is annoying

    I am unable to open different links from some emails because those are recognized to be fishy by Aol Dektop Gold, if I try to go on the web mail and open those links, even thought they a recognized by Malware bytes as being suspicious I can at least open them. since I use adg mostly, it is a very annoying feature, so please allow me to choose if I want to go to a website or not

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    I’d like to have one of our Technical Support agents look deeply into the issue you encountered with the address book. Please call our AOL Desktop Gold team at 1-888-265-3733. Our experts are available 24/7 by phone. Less

  2. Snipping Tool in Win10

    The Snipping tool stopped working in all AOL sub windows on text and graphics after revision 11.14212 back around the first of this year.Rev 11.14616 is the current version and it won't let Snipping tool do OLE cut and paste snipping any longer.

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  3. adfgt

    i need to access some pages, and those pages cannot find my location, which i need
    please resolve the issue ASAP

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    We want to look more into why your emails are not being received. I’d like to have one of our Technical Support agents investigate this. Please call our AOL Desktop Gold team at 1-888-265-3733. Our experts are available 24/7 by phone

  4. drive

    When I click on a google drive link in an email, the browser can not open it, and it says the browser is out of date, even though my app is up to date. Also, I think it would be great if you could add extension capabilities to the browser so I could have the last pass extension already in the browser when I use it. Thanks!

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  5. No Service

    05 JAN 2023 - All day when I try to open an email, or link, I receive the prompt: it can't at this time, try back in 5 minutes. It should say "hours." I pay extra monthly; for what?

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  6. Will Aol Desktop Gold be impacted by Census updating some security features on that are effective 10/11/2022?

    Will my Aol browser continue to work with the security updates to going into effect on 10/11/2022?

    "To ensure you will continue to be able to access, please upgrade your browser to the latest version. 💻 Older browsers may fail to display websites correctly and lack updated security features. New browsers are more compatible with websites and provide stronger protection against security issues.

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  7. password manager

    The current password manager doesn't offer to save on many websites, and it doesn't allow manual inputs. Users must continue to use paper and pencil to store the majority of their passwords.

    Suggest fixing your password manager or allowing use of other password manager programs.

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  8. When I go from mail to a link I get a screen with OOPS - too many redirects. Not good.

    When I go from mail to a link I get a screen with OOPS - too many redirects. Not good.

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  9. another screen


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  10. AOL Desktop Gold Browser doesn't save browsing history

    AOL Desktop Gold Browser doesn't save browsing history

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  11. With the latest update on AOL I am having a lot of difficulty seeing the tab headings. They are really dark. Would you please fix that.

    With the latest update on AOL I am having a lot of difficulty seeing the tab headings. They are really dark. Would you please fix that. Than

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  12. Netflix is not playing or compatible with AOL Desktop Gold

    My Netflix is not streaming inside the AOL Desktop Gold

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  13. AOL font and size

    Letters aren't clear and there's no option to change the font or the color on the aol news and articles. Revision 11.0.3384

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    If the issue still persists please give us a call at 1-800-827-6364 and one of our technician will assist.

  14. I am having NO AOL Desktop Gold experience; you keep kicking me off June 17&18, 2021

    My AOL is kicking me off. June 17 & 18, 2021. What are you doing to fix this?

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    If the issue still persists please give us a call at 1-800-827-6364 and one of our technician will assist.

  15. The "Settings" icon no longer works when clicked. Why AOL ?

    The "Settings" icon no longer works when clicked. Why AOL ?

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    If the issue still persists please give us a call at 1-800-827-6364 and one of our technician will assist.

  16. password saving STILL not working properly

    I've seen the Question "Save this password?" come up when adding a new URL login. So I know it CAN WORK - sometimes.

    BUT -

    I had changed my password for a site. The AOL browser tried to use the old one, and of course it failed. I entered the new password, but it was NOT SAVED, it continued to use the old one, I continued to enter the new one, to no avail - the old password was NOT replaced.

    Went to SETTINGS.- BROWSER - PASSWORDS, the box is Still checked.
    I DELETED the site's entry and stored password,…

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    If the issue still persists please give us a call at 1-800-827-6364 and one of our technician will assist.

  17. Changed Passwords not being saved

    Thank you for not closing this.. See my Post below

    When I do a changed password, I never see the "Do you Want to Save this new Password" (or some such check-off), and of course the old passwords keeps coming up..

    IE, Edge, Firefox & Chrome all work as expected - not AOL's Browser.

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  18. I can't search nothing on AOL and it keeps saying oops number 118?

    What can I do? Can't search anything on AOL. Error 118 comes up.

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  19. Wouldn't it be swell if AOL could allow you to sign on with the first try, deliver a non-blank welcome screen and show mail folders?

    Wouldn't it be swell if AOL could allow you to sign on with the first try, deliver a non-blank welcome screen and show mail folders?

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    If the issue still persists please give us a call at 1-800-827-6364 and one of our technician will assist.

  20. My ADG is not opening if my Mcafee firewall is turned on.

    The sign on screen of ADG is not showing up. After TS withwith tech. It is the firefall of my mcafee thats blocking me. Please check.

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