Adg security feature is annoying
I am unable to open different links from some emails because those are recognized to be fishy by Aol Dektop Gold, if I try to go on the web mail and open those links, even thought they a recognized by Malware bytes as being suspicious I can at least open them. since I use adg mostly, it is a very annoying feature, so please allow me to choose if I want to go to a website or not

I’d like to have one of our Technical Support agents look deeply into the issue you encountered with the address book. Please call our AOL Desktop Gold team at 1-888-265-3733. Our experts are available 24/7 by phone. Less
If I am already signed in to AOL and I am reading the comments attached to a reply by AOL to a suggestion I made why am I required to log in again? AOL knows its me. AOL wrote to me. Are you brain dead?