AOL App For Android
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195 results found
provide an option to select newsfeeds
some users don't like MSNBC and CNN, others don't like Fox News. An option to select newsfeeds would be helpful.
224th ranked -
why do I always have to see the leftist propaganda when I access my AOL acct. please provide a news opt out option.
opt out news feed setting
451st ranked -
allow removing bogus news sources from personal feeds
the cartoon network (fox) is too one sided
134th ranked -
When I open AOL Mail, my purpose is to read my MAIL, not have to see NEWS first, then have to push another button to get to my MAIL!
AOL is my MAIL Service, I don't go there to see News!
224th ranked -
Offer actual news. CNN, NBC, etc all along with "Entertainment" is not news. I would prefer no news at all.
allow for the deletion of news as an option given these aren't reliable news sources.
158th ranked -
451st ranked
Stop the constant and rapid refreshing of the news app content. It's totally hyperactive. Can't click fast enough on an article.
Hyperactive content refreshing of the news app
451st ranked -
224th ranked
it seems like the daily home news stories are trying to tell me what to think with their "BOLD HEADLINES." I rather read & decide.
when I read the headline of alot of news stories the headline feels more persuasive & opinionated by the author instead of describing the fact of the article.
also, is their a way I can adjust the political side of the amount of stories I'm getting that kean more to 1 side than the other.
simple words, I'm getting way too many pro biden and con republican stories.
451st ranked -
451st ranked
need an option to either delete all news stories or just those that you're not interested in
I don't want to open the app and immediately get the news headlines. you should get your emails first, with the news on a separate page, if you want to read them.
81st ranked -
La prima pagina deve essere la mail, non l'informazione.
Quando apro questa app, la prima cosa che voglio vedere è la mia mail, no le news o il gossip.
451st ranked -
it would be nice if we could chose what type of interests/news appears in our home/news feed. Alot of news that doesn't interest me.
More tailored news choices
451st ranked -
451st ranked
fix news app as it always scrolls to top after looking at any article. Therefore i rarely use it.
terrible experience
451st ranked -
refresh news pages more frequently
late news
451st ranked -
451st ranked
Layoff Taylor Swift ****! So sick of seeing her name and big red lipz all over my news!!
News not Taylor Swift!!
451st ranked -
drop the PROPAGANDA. It's disgusting
liberal propaganda all over this! can you make it less obvious you are bought off
451st ranked -
451st ranked
- Don't see your idea?