AOL App For Android
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Tell us how we can improve your AOL App experience. The more specific your feedback, the more useful for us. While we can’t respond to every suggestion, we review regularly and take them very seriously.
295 results found
remove the shortcut to compose or make it optional...presently it's in the way to show dates of receipt of emails for me to send for proof.
the pen in a bubble has to go
Stop sending me anything until Covid 19 is over. My depression is out of control.
Stop sending please
remember that the works does not revolve around the USA. Also, stop your videos from auto playing and I HATE ADVERTS!
Have bodies not auto starting as the default setting.
it would be nice to see how many devices I'm logged into and if AOL desktop is being used for my account I do not use the aol desktop
improve the aol app
network transparency for this account deactivation settings sign out verifying account with personal number.--thanks
network transparency
I would like an automatic BBC to me when I send any message...Would you please create that for your users please.
what more can I explain to you.?! I want to be able to sit a BBC to me automatically for all my outgoing emails. PS I don't want to see everybody else's feedback do you. it appears that you have been taken over by the same bleep bleep bleep low class tech people that took over QuickBooks Online
there is to much repetitive news postings and I am sure a lot of it people don't really care about...
The opportunity to choose what information I get, since I do
have the time or patience to deal with all the other trash out there.
make a Chromecast icon when I Go to YouTube in de app like in de Chrome browser itself. because The app is in fact a Chrome based app right?
add Chromecast icon in YouTube video in this app
Can you add To do list as per desk version please.
On PC I can use "to do" list, but not on mobile app. Would be handy.
add a method of extending the timeout for AOL. I have to re-login too often.
times out too fast
I don't want anything from AOL!
I don't want anything from AOL!
It's ****** that you decided after a decade of free desktop version, that you want to charge for it again.... And its not any different
Read for yourself
a way to decide way what comes up as news like Google does. Your news an main is junk
add to settings
how to edit sign in credentials?
edit function not allowing settings update
- Don't see your idea?