AOL App for iOS
This forum is for you to make product suggestions and provide thoughtful feedback. We’re always trying to improve our products and we can use the most popular feedback to make a positive change!
This forum is not monitored for any support-related issues. If you need assistance of any kind, please visit our help site.
Tell us how we can improve your AOL App experience. The more specific your feedback, the more useful for us. While we can’t respond to every suggestion, we review regularly and take them very seriously.
61 results found
straight-to-inbox feature is no longer working
I have the paid version of the app that allows you to go straight to your inbox when you open it, and that feature is no longer working. I’ve restored purchases and everything and no matter what when I open the app it goes to the new stories that mind you I have no desire to see.
31st ranked -
57th ranked
38th ranked
Notification problem
I am not receiving any notifications for incoming mail on the mail app on my iPhone. It is working on my iPad.
38th ranked -
I want to see the pictures instead of IM1111jpeg
When I click on the IM1234jpeg NOTHING HAPPENS!!!38th ranked -
Pull to Refresh
I've noticed that the "pull down to refresh" gesture that works great in the Android version does not appear to work on iOS. Is this by design? I think the two apps are somewhat dissimilar in a few ways, so it's not a big issue. Just raising it in case there is any feedback wanted on this topic. Thanks - Love the apps (on both platforms!)
47th ranked -
Bring AOL Instant Messenger Back
We need an alternative messenger to Facebook, bring AOL’s Instant Messenger back :)
57th ranked -
Make a way to stop need email going to junk maibox
I have some emails that are giong to my junk file automatically, would like them to come to my new mail inbox
25th ranked -
cannot preview calendar files
I received emails with attached calendar entries (a .ics file) but I cannot preview them. Please add this feature.
57th ranked -
Go back to old Aol. New one is terrible.
Bring back old AOL.
57th ranked -
47th ranked
Bug: Dark Mode not supported when composing mail
When replying to a message or composing a new one, the Dark Mode setting is not supported, and a bright white screen is used for writing an email.
57th ranked -
Preview messages need to allow user to increase Font size
Please allow a setting to increase Font Size for preview and actual email content permanently.
Preview wording is way too small and so is the text size inside emails. I can’t access mail on my IPhone after hours of customer support so they said to use the AOL app which needs increasing font options.57th ranked -
Indicates that email was sent to a person
Mail is not being sent and no indication that it has been sent
57th ranked -
Can’t sign in to my aol mail with aol app. Tried numerous times no help even with aol tech support
Tech support told me to call back in 3 days to try again
11th ranked -
I don’t want to be asked why I don’t like an email every other email I go to delete - get rid of this pop up question
Please get rid of pop up question asking me why I don’t like every other email that I go to delete
57th ranked -
No sounds with iOS 17 upgrade
Once I upgraded to the IOS 17 I’ve lost my sounds on my aol app. Settings are correct. I uninstalled and reinstalled the app. Restarted my phone. And checked the iPhone sound settings. Still not working! Thank you!
57th ranked -
Notifications/Badges Don't Clear
Notifications and app icon badges don't clear automatically if an email message is read on another device.
Let's say you receive an email while you're sitting at your computer. Both the computer and your iPhone will notify on new mail. If you now read the email on your computer, the AOL mobile application never checks again to see if that message was marked as read, so the notifications stay raised until the user clears them. App badge also shows prior unread count and requires an inbox refresh to update. Seems like a minor fix, but it would greatly improve QoL.
57th ranked -
Simplify the send mail to a group option, way to many steps now
Put the BCC box back in the mail we are writing. When sending to a group, when we select the group, why do we have yet another additional step to confirm who we are sending to?? Bring back the mail sending the way it was before this update.
47th ranked -
25th ranked
- Don't see your idea?