How do I delete a calendar from yesteryear?
I have tried to delete an AOL calendar in my account. About two months ago I started getting reminders from calendars that I use about 15 or 20 years ago. I can’t seem to get into my account to delete the calendars I can see them but I can’t delete them what am I to do? When I get these reminders, they come duplicates of about 10 at a time. I have to delete these every time I get them which is about four or five times a week. Can someone please help me with this it is getting to be very frustrating. Thank you
Simply follow the steps given below to delete events, by logging into your account from a desktop computer:
1. On the calendar, right-click the event that you wish to delete, and then click Delete.
2. Click OK to reconfirm.
3. In case of a repeating event, to delete the single occurrence, click Delete This Event Only. In order to delete all future occurrences of the event, click Delete This and Future Events.