Not working
When you tried to read an article and it says continue to read after scroll it shows nothing but other articles the remainder of the article is absent. This has been going on for a week please correct.
Sorry to hear that you are having a bit of trouble with the App. To resolve this, please try the troubleshooting solutions below:
1. If you’re signed in, tap the Settings icon, tap Manage Accounts, then tap Edit, tap Remove
2. Restart your mobile device
3. Uninstall and reinstall the app with the latest version
4. Lastly, switch the internet connection from WiFi to mobile data
Ree commented
When I access an article in my online newspaper (Houston Chronicle) from an email via the AOL app, I cannot sign on to the newspaper.
Jj commented
Why even place articles when it’s fragmented covered up with ads and you don’t even get to see the whole article ,that’s nothing more than an annoying , way to go coders and programmers once again no clue of the end-user experience
Josh commented
Almost all news stories have an ad at the bottom that says scroll to see the rest of the article and after scrolling, the rest is never there and you can’t finish the article. I have been a long time AOL fan but this makes reading your news feeds pointless. Needs to be fixed and has been happening for some time.
Kathy commented
Your news pages, severely biased, refresh so you cannot read the whole article. It refreshes several times while you’re trying to read then cuts out the remainder of the article because ads take over the page. It’s been going on well over a year!