Security issue by another aol member
I have made a report of issues to Facebook yahoo and now email of multiple hacks at different times from different people from different places. I am now addressing the AOL issue. I found an embedded email address of someone in my aol account that has an ex employee of ours initials embedded in the email address that was in the settings of my account. I think they were able to see my emails and may be trying to steal or hack data. I need to verify and confirm if it is Alex Hernandez as typed in the embedded email I will attach here intermixed with my email history as a screenshot. I need to know if this is him or someone else as they may be spying for legal matters. If it’s not him located in Denver Colorado, then it may be a person that moved out that was listening into private matters at my apartment that has now moved when I deleted his email from my account. I have notified a few other online companies of this and other issues related to their programs to see if they can make it more secure and find the hackers and help me figure out who it is if it’s within my circle. The email address is It could belong to a person named Alex Hernandez in Denver Colorado, and if so I need to know whether to keep him as an employee of if it someone else altogether. I could not attach the screenshot without compromising it as my email, iCloud, microphone, photos and texts have all been hacked and are actively followed despite changing devices and passwords and security as I think it’s an undetectable spyware app like spyera because it was when I was looking for antispyware during divorce and since then all sorts of strange things been happening that are more than just coincidence and I kid you not there may 3-4 hackers and think the hackers read what I type, hear my talk without phone call for text and email spam. Use pop up blockers in Facebook when using car gurus and my ex sees my pictures through Apple photo app and google photos and hears my conversation and texts me back on related subject info not shared unknowingly and even Amex using cookies to send me new credit card replacements without calling them when they are seeing me type this as I just got the email about it minutes ago. And that email name I removed must have info about me and I need to have police and online security track and investigate this as he may be telling private info to a litigant or could be a hacker or could be spying for my ex. Whatever it is I’m not paranoid, it’s a lot of hacks happening quietly and there’s no button in these browsers to remove them when they sneak through the cracks. But share this with security department and big security company and tell me what is going on. I have no privacy where I live so please just email me at eventhough they’ll be able to read this. Reporting this will change the hackers game who are following my info and then they’ll resurface, I removed one from China using credit card for into purchase, I found another whose email intermixed with yahoo and another intermixed with aol or google having linked email and devices in past but I think the automatic sharing in google is one problem, aol app and iOS aol sharing info is another problem and large and small caps intermixing emails is another problem, and undetectable spyware apps and antispyware apps intermingling within a device to steal and hear active data is another problem. Hackers getting excited over broke people Facebook accounts when friending someone if perceived importance like a Bollywood dancer has caused his Facebook to be hacked and in past my Facebook account was hacked and linked to random celebrities in past I think from India or Pakistan related as I had unfriended a Pakistani friend recently due to bad experience with another Paki guy who stole from me with the little money I had for a business, as I have so much going on we can barely survive. And I unfriended the Paki guy to stay away from India haters on Facebook as I’m not into crazy political beliefs and some of the Paki community are troublemakers toward Indians. So regardless I had to mention it because the last paki guy who went awol was like a thief I figured out later and hope he got busted, so hope you catch more crooks with any leads here. etc this all while going they a divorce with a narcissist and father having cancer going through a lawsuit with another thief whose name in this email hack in my aol account is either a friend, foe or hacker and I need to know if it belongs to our ex employee Alex Hernandez in Denver or not. I have been having to quit work to protect my kids while sociopathic and neglectful towards kids leaves me struggling until divorce court figures out that temporary custody been given to the sociopathic exwife as they fooled the courts.

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Anonymous commented
My email is addressed to another person named Anthony. My name is not Anthony. This issue has been going on for 20 years. I called several times over 20 years and the answer given by support is “my email address is unique, and therefore cannot be addressed to another person”. It happened to me. That answer is not acceptable.
It is “non sequitur”. It gets me mad that the support group cannot understand the problem or question to answer it properly.