why have you stopped posting readers comments on news articles
Why can I not read or post comments on news story's any more

We’re sorry for the difficulties encountered while trying to participate in the AOL community. The comments section is located at the bottom of the articles under Conversations. You can view all your posts in your Profile under Latest Activity. To view your Profile, click your Name in the comments section, then choose Profile.
I just commented on a news story about Thai sailors saving four cats from a sinking ship. I commented "God bless these brave and compassionate men." Like every other time I have attempted to comment for the past month, this comment was flagged. I am a 76-year-old man who has been a customer for 25 years. I resent being mistreated in this manner.
how can i continue to make comments on the welcome site
Joshua Hare commented
If you're going to be so bunched up about rejecting comments, why don't you just TELL US exactly what the problem with the comment is instead of punishing us for not understanding your ludicrous community guidelines standards? (No, the answer is NOT in your comm standards guidelines so don't even try to point me in that direction).
I am completely blocked on a whole article because YOU won't tell me why my TOTALLY INNOCENT comment has been rejected. Absurd. I said NOTHING WRONG. I said NO *****, no ****, no OFF TOPIC.
I FOLLOWED YOUR RULES! Gosh, you have THE WORST COMMUNITY STANDARDS ON THE ENTIRE INTERNET! There are not caps big enough to make this more apparent to you. CHANGE YOUR SYSTEM. IT IS TERRIBLE.HAHHA, here's ANOTHER idea for you. Don't tell me to sign in when I'm already fing signed in!! How can you be THIS BAD?
All my post keep getting rejected no matter what the content........ I can post "Good Morning" and it gets REJECTED seconds later for being against Community Standards.
been leave yes or no comment no being posted please tell me why??????
D. Langer commented
Last night I was seeing current posts IRL, but today they are running 10 minutes behind. If I refresh the page or change from Newest to Best and back to Newest, there are no current posts showing under 8-10 minutes previous to that. New posts are not being loaded IRL. AND my good post was rejected last night for no reason. I posted that the FBI were inside the Capitol trying to get the rioters out. IT SHOULD NOT HAVE BEEN REJECTED! NO BAD WORDS, NO ATTACK ON ANOTHER POSTER, ETC. You definitely have some problems to fix!
AOL is as bad as twitter and Facebook when it comes to censorship. It has to stop. It is harmful to America and our democracy.
I'm sick of the *** stories on AOL and not being able to have a conversation about them. This feature was removed for no apparent reason other to censor our opinions like Twitter and Facebook.
jay ghee commented
Shadow Banning has no place in the media
jay ghee commented
Stop Shadow Banning!
Peter commented
Your comment has been rejected.
Posted1 minute ago
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA July 4 1776 Freedom Liberty George Washington November3 2020 Fraud Corruption Joe Bye-DONE GOD BLESS AMERICA REST IN PEACE
Please explain in detail why this post was rejected.
In the explanation please include the employee code of the monitor, supervisor and director -
Anonymous commented
For a week if I try to comment the article blinks and refreshes. Past time to fix this.
Martha Damsky commented
Please be balanced in what news stories you choose. Half the country voted for President Trump. Your latest headlines are negative opinions being pushed as facts. This is unacceptable. And you give us no way to comment to fight the lies being told. I have been a member for 20 years. I am disgusted.
JAMES FRIEND commented
I posted "you better look again" now tell me what is wrong with that you jerks are out of control
Pamela Dancy commented
Shut down the entire AOL service. It's only making people stupider, almost as stupid as AOL.
Can you hear me now???? Nope, we blocked your comments. Idiots. -
You need to make sure your clients always have access to your Commentary section. They deserve that...not to be not given access for whatever reason. You should consider the thoughts of all your clientele...please fix my site now.
Probably because they are so bias against Trump. That is not freedom of speech
My comment always gets rejected no matter what
I have that same problem
How can AOL improve itself if it won't even allow some people to make comments on news articles when it says we didn't follow guidelines, but when we did. They use that reason to reject a comment for 100's of people because they don't care. If they don't care how can you improve AOL