why have you stopped posting readers comments on news articles
Why can I not read or post comments on news story's any more

We’re sorry for the difficulties encountered while trying to participate in the AOL community. The comments section is located at the bottom of the articles under Conversations. You can view all your posts in your Profile under Latest Activity. To view your Profile, click your Name in the comments section, then choose Profile.
Michael Cleveland commented
If you must reject posts based on some "community standard" then kindly make that standard available so it can be seen. As it is, posts that are essentially benign are being removed arbitrarily for no discernable reason.
Anonymous commented
Most are rejected out of spite,with no morale reason behind them,other than I have conservative ideas.
Pop Disgraziato, Jr. commented
Stop deleting valid posts.
Anonymous commented
Where are the comment sections?? The only reason I maintain my aol account is to able to exercise my first amendment rights and I have never used racist remarks as most aol people also do not use bad language.
MARY DURFEY commented
Jeannette commented
Reinstate the comments section on the AOL news forum !
Anonymous commented
So glad wife is divorcing him
Julia. commented
aol keeps deleting comments from opponents of this administration but does not censor rightwing and white nationalist comments. Good riddance aol, won't miss your shoddy reporting.
Jean commented
This article is really too old, It was published in Feb. AOL should check dates. It is not pertinent to the current situation.
Anonymous commented
******** AOL, you subhuman censoring scum. This was my post that was "rejected" for violating their moronic "policies": "Not only is he not a doctor, he's a Trump supporting member of a right wing think tank." Apparently, there are many right wing snowflakes that the scum at AOL is concerned will be "offended" by that post. Again, ******** AOL!
Reply -
Linda Masimore commented
Why is AOL not allowing comments?
JimmyP commented
I'm done with AOL after eliminating the comment section. Guess you oppose Free Speech
Patricia Hanlon commented
I would have posted Rest in peace / rise in glory , Bob ( Kulick ) --- G O D bless ! , but AOL shut me out of the comment section with no explanation.
Kathryn Calder commented
Need explanation why censors are deleting my posts from comments boards.
Anonymous commented
Open up the editorial posting blog site
Anonymous commented
Why can't people post to stories anymore?
chester j commented
Your censoring of posts is too tuff. Nobody censors tRump, he speaks his mind.
Anonymous commented
If you are not going to allow memes under the "comments" section after articles, rather than censoring, why don't you just eliminate the "photo" & "gif" icons so we can't try to post them? I've never been censored before, never used bad language or name calling like others have been allowed to do, and yet, after 30 years with you, I am being censored for posting FACTS, researched facts, about Trump; not opinion!!
Patricia Hanlon commented
TENS OF THOUSANDS of our fellow Americans have died because Trump initially wasted T E N weeks doing nothing about the virus / pandemic -- while he found time to enjoy over 1/2 a dozen taxpayer funded multi-million dollar golf trips away from the Whitehouse at Mar-a-Lago for $ 3 . 4 million each.
Patricia Hanlon commented
Trump KNOWS that ALL experts advise wearing masks , yet risks the lives of others by acting contrary to this expert advice and encouraging others to ignore it , as well as social distancing.
People are dying because Trump supporters follow their leader -- which is another reason to vote him out this November.