Remove Russian trolls from your comment section.
Remove Russian trolls from your comment section.
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1. Sign in.
2. Hover over the right side of the comment.
3. Click the drop-down arrow, then choose Report.
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Preston Hardy commented
The Russian trolls have become more active since the release of Mueller's report. They plan to use your site to influence the 2020 election.
Anonymous commented
Unfortunately I read the comments on your "news" articles. I don't know who you have regulating abusive content,but I can tell you that it is a cesspool of racist, anti-semitic, homophobic hate. I have never seen such filth in my life. I thought that there were standards? I've reported a lot of people for calling black people monkeys or calling me "Jewboy". Within seconds those remarks are back up. Yet it I tell someone that I think the content which they posted is racist (like a pic of Michelle Obama as an ape), MY post gets removed permanently. I don't get it. I've had to report dozens of people to the FBI for their threatening statements. I think that the content is the lowest of the low of any content I've seen anywhere and am seriously disturbed by it. I am a huge free speech advocate, but hate speech should not have a forum here. I expect better.
Thomas Jackson commented
Filter out the Spambots!
K2inEB commented
Certain fraudulent users regularly use the comments section of your news articles to rant and rave about the word order and at the same time, tout new financial products. They go on and on and on. The user names (so far) are:
d***** -
Anonymous commented
Ask people their age, since AOL is allowing nasty children to post and attack one user!!
Anonymous commented
Please get rid of the ability for users to post comments. My stomach churns anytime i read them. I really don't want to be subjected to this nonsense and I would rather change email accounts (even thought it is a major PITA but I will do it. Thanks
Anonymous commented
I am truly thinking about leaving AOL due to George 1 2's posts.
Anonymous commented
AOL, what is your obsession with ****** ?
Stop putting him on your payroll. -
Anonymous commented
This person and his sycophants should be permanently removed for their insanity.
Daily Reader commented
Comments simply give the Russians and other hostile govt's a vector to harm the US. Eliminate them like other sites have.
Anonymous commented
Why do you continue to allow Russian trolls on the message boards?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anonymous commented
Why do you continue to allow Russian trolls on the message boards?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Terry commented
How to report a TOS violation on the chat window, "Chat Live About Trumps Presidency"? For instance "Larry Bilbrey" posts a chat that repeats infinitely! His infinite post ties up the whole window!
Anonymous commented
Aol deletes my comments because it does not fit with their Liberal bias views and allows the above user name because it fits their views.
Anonymous commented
Your vulgarity filters seem to be on the fritz. The comment sections on news are loaded with them. As another poster said make the comments only for paid subscribers to use or even bring back the 'chat monitors' which AOL had for some many years to edit out the vulgarity and racist comments at the same time. I also wonder how many of the posts are nothing more than bot postings done by foreign Countries interested in tearing the United States apart. There should be a way to insure bots and foreign Governments aren't posting. They have no real interest in what is basically American stories.
Anonymous commented
I believe it's time to suspend the comments section for a while to give people time to come to their senses. People's comments are just putting fuel on the fire that's dividing U.S.
Can you block a poster on your discussion board if he has been threatening fellow poster with horrible violence?
Jo commented
You need to start doing what twitter and Facebook are doing to get rid of Russian bots and Trump supporters who go to far with their dangerous comments!