why must i type my nicknam everytime i comment
this is a question....i had to type nickname in everytime i bommented on a news story today...i mean every comment on the page...why

Make sure that you are logged into your account when you want to comment to an article. If you are logged in your nickname should appear every time.
Paula French commented
Go back to original format.
Who cares who is 'winning points'? -
Sir, we (or at least I) used to post our comments under our login email names and were able to post same to Facebook as well.
Now the format has changed and we revert back to the original style. However I do find that the name under which my Comments go out has changed, I don't remember being called merely John. Nothing wrong with this name of course but there are more than a few Johns around, like Friday night in a **********. So if its alright with you, could you stick my middle name which is Albert to it or merely John A and please keep this avatar of the Animal Paws that suits me to a T as I am an Animal Person.
As to how you can improve AOL. Why do you want to Fix something that doesn't need fixing??
Thank you for all the years I've been with AOL. -
Anonymous commented
What the heck is "Sign Up To Post"? Aware of 1st Amendment???
Larry commented
How about go out of business. Your site does not work well.
Anonymous commented
Why is it that when I'm signed in I can only post comments as a guest? This problem happens repeatedly and it usually gets fixed quickly. It's been going on this time for about a week now.
Anonymous commented
need to have nickname show up when posting comment on news stories and should have nickname show up next to bell to alert about comments on postings
lisa foster commented
everytime we try to put a nickname whenever we reply on an article on AOL news it goes to comment section immediately and not letting us type anything on the nickname and we cannot reply at all.
In addition this only happens whenever we reply, we already added
2 letters on the settings of AOL through myaccount.aol.com it accepts that but for years we've been using a single letter which we can see people still have and still use.give us an update asap.
RAY AQUILA commented
AOL has got to stop the practice of adding a NICKNAME every time one wants to comment on any news story. This is happening to frequently as of late.
RAY AQUILA commented
Stop removing user name from comments page