The Monetization of AOL
AOL has been attempting to increase revenue by add more services that AOL users must pay for, otherwise, they will experience more issues using the site. Tim Armstrong, former Google exec, was brought in by Time Warner to help rebuild AOL so it could be sold and that was done when AOL was sold to Verizion. Just like Yahoo, Verizon was interested in obtaining AOL users so they could add them to Verizon's data base and use their accounts to generate online revenue for Verizon. Its obvious now with the new User Agreement in place what's happening at AOL. We're all going to have to pay for services like Spam control in order to get them to work. AOL no longer actively filters out spam messages and we'll have to pay AOL to stop spam from coming through. Verizon is making sure AOL and Yahoo users will pay to play, otherwise, you should think about moving your email account to another Internet service provider to avoid the fees.

ROBERT NALL commented
Meant to say "AOL can't fix this issue when the automatic spam filter tool was taken away!
ROBERT NALL commented
Hey Jennifer....AOL Support can fix this problem when the automatic Spam Filter tool was taken away!