how to involve the 98% of "us", not just the 2% of "celebrity"
Celebrities seem to think their job is not to entertain us, but to bloviate their personal, liberal beliefs to all Americans. We do not pay them to give us their beliefs. We go to concerts, watch their movies, or pay them to throw a football, we buy tickets to see them perform their talent. Each time Aol promotes their beliefs then Aol should seek out a common man or woman and ask for their beliefs. Journalists seem to think their job is to interview only the rich and famous. They seem to forget that the rich and famous make up about 2% of our population. Many entertainers use the stage they perform on to tell us why they hate this political position or that political position. If they wish to spew their beliefs, then have a disclaimer printed that indicates to those who wish to hear their political positions should stay following the event and there would be a forum on all that is wrong with America. The problem is the rich and famous and celebrity have no idea the beliefs and concerns of the common man. They simply have a platform. Using an old idea, a forgotten idea, of point counterpoint, for every venom spewing liberal that shouts from the rooftops, or the stage, or the ball field, there should be an opinion from the factory worker, the teacher, or the ditch digger. We only get opinions from top 2% and seem to forget the 98%. How about doing some old fashion journalism. I'm tired of hearing Colin Kaepernick, any filthy rich, corrupt, money grabbing politician, or the George Soros's of the world. Talk to the common man and the 2% can place their narrow minded self serving derrieres on the proverbial "bench".