Stop running articles or videos featuring sadism toward animals. "Fisherman" murders great white shark. Humans need GOOD role models.
Humans are sadistic enough as it is. How depressing, infuriating, sickening and disheartening to see atrocities toward innocent, lovely beings publicized as if there is some accomplishment to be admired in such vile actions. People truly do need every little available bit of help and support in uplifting and ennobling directions. They already treat the natural world and all of its other life-forms like *. Please do not encourage scumbag ***** to believe their murderous impulses toward the defenseless will bring them acclaim and attention. Non-human life deserves so much better from all of us. I would really appreciate never seeing any more violence toward non-humans. I would also appreciate the option of a Trump-free home page.
Anonymous commented
ITK is showing animals being tortured. I hate it. Stop it. The Horror.
Anonymous commented
STOP ITK! They show torturing of animals.
Anonymous commented