Have a clear way to submit corrections to news
Hi! I tried calling your helpline today (800-827-6364) and was told submitting something here was the only way to correct a fact published on your news site. I'm trying to get in touch with Katie Mather who wrote this article (https://www.aol.com/article/news/2019/07/30/volunteers-repair-camp-for-people-with-disabilities-after-vandals-cause-dollar15000-in-damage/23782709/) about our camp. We're so glad you picked up this news about us, but we do need to correct some nonfactual info. We host six camp sessions each summer, but they are not six weeks in length, as the article states. Rather, they are five days/4 nights each. Also, the individuals we serve have intellectual, developmental, and/or physical disabilities. "Medical disabilities" isn't entirely appropriate. We understand this terminology was likely taken from NowThis. When we corrected the info with them, they said they couldn't change it, since it was in a video. Hopefully, since yours is text, it is a quick and easy fix. Thanks so much! If you could reach out to let us know you've fixed these items, that would be great. Happy trails! ~Lions Camp Horizon