Restore the ability to comment on articles

KIM POWLES commented
All articles are missing the comments section.
Johanna Cooney commented
Johanna Cooney commented
unable to comment on any news story. Going on the dashboard does nothing. WHAT IS GOING ON
Jane Grimshaw commented
AOL ABOUT TO GO BANG! company's in trouble and stopping overload of data storage by stopping further comments from millions is one way of preventing crash of system. Other issues are: MAIL FREEZING/ LOSS OF FILE SEPARATIONS I.E. OLD MAIL MIXED IN WITH CURRENT. Company is in a MESS!!!
Chris Olney commented
It's been like this now for days and asking me to update my preferences but it's not possible. Nothing works. Are they 'updating' the site or have they had so many derogatory comments about BLM etc, etc., that they need monitor them all more now and delete the really bad ones. We had the right (have the right) to pass opinion, but I think AOL has taken it to heart. Free speech may soon, not be on AOL?
If they can't leave this section alone but continue to post their drivel and propaganda, it may be worth changing away from AOL. A lot of their stories are biased and a travesty when it suits?
Robin Mills commented
It appears AOL are not taking any notice of anyone and are continuing to block comments.
Robin Mills commented
All News items have been blocked from making a comment. Why is this and why has AOL not informed anyone? Is AOL in breach of it's own rules.
Annie Bailey commented
This content is not available due to your privacy preferences.
Update your settings here to see it.
Unfortunately it doesn't say what need to be updated, unless you want me to let you sell my phone number and emails
DAVE THAXTER commented
glad it is not just me, i have tried changing settings one at a time to no avail. perhaps 666 is sitting there arguing with herself? come on AOL sort this out please
Andrew Findlay commented
Is this censorship or a technical **** up? Come on aol we read your bloody adverts on every news item, get it sorted
DON HOWELL commented
I get this on every article on AO: "This content is not available due to your privacy preferences.
Update your settings here to see it."
Can I please get this fixed? -
I haven't changed my settings in any way, but now get this message on EVERY news page on AOL:
"This content is not available due to your privacy preferences.
Update your settings here to see it."
It was fine 2 weeks ago, please sort it out. So annoying!!!
Michael steven Moss commented
I have the same problem. started about a week ago. Cannot understand which privacy settingshave affected it, I have not changed them.
Pamela Crane commented
I'm in the same boat since this week. Very annoying and frustrating. What can we do to restore Comments, please, AOL?
COLIN PALMER commented
As of this week there appears to be no AOL comments available to either read or make. Odd since Although I rarely post anything, I do like and dislike and enjoy reading the views of others.
Johanna Cooney commented
Why has everyone been blocked from reading or making a comment. Come on AOL play a fair game.
jason redfern commented
what a joke banned from facebook due to speaking out and now can not comment on any items on AOL freedom of speach gone right out the window you fcuking cowards
Aol has censored the pen in an attempt to hide the real thoughts of its readers. We aint falling for your clearly left leaning biased stories. Aol you have lost the argument concerning free speech and turned yourselves into a dictatorship.
Marion Edwards commented
I am unable to read comments left or write comments. It says under every article This content is not available due to your privacy settings. It just appeared one day, i have not altered anything for this to happen. Help Please.
Antony Rudd commented
This is disgusting i have tried changing all preferences and still cannot comment.looks like the end of free speech with aol ,mind you they were always hit and miss if the truth was stated and if it got an airing in comments box