Restore the ability to comment on articles
Jay commented
Cuomo praises the President and tears him down in the same sentence. that's what you call talking out of both sides of your mouth. how ungrateful the Governor is of all the help and support the President has given New York.
Anonymous commented
Get some tech guys to fix your site. It's all messed up, from posting, to feedback, to follow-up. Has been for a while now.
MajorG commented
Now my comments, along with not being posted, are being deleted as soon as I post them. I have tried to be nice for the past year about my inability to post comments, but the lack of responsibility you show to a paying member is beyond comprehension. No explanation, no feedback to my literally hundreds of posts to this forum and no answers as to why I was blocked in the first place.
Thanks for nothing AOL. I will be getting my internet and email elsewhere. -
Oral Gibson commented
The problem is you are blocking conservative commentors. You are acting more like Joseph Stalin than a media org.
Paula French commented
estone commented
Why is it so difficult to post a comment? Either comments aren't available or if they are after I am signed in it says I need to sign on to post a comment. What gives?
Anonymous commented
I have been unable to see or contribute to the comments section of ANY AOL article for several months now on my iMAC. I still have the capability on my PC laptop. What gives, AOL? How do I retrieve my comments caPABILITY?
MajorG commented
Send me an email and explain, in detail, why I cannot comment on articles on AOL.
Anonymous commented
In response to an aol article on sports leagues shutting down, I posted that "they're all just weapons of mass distraction". Boom-no more comment section for me-on any articles. Too thought provoking..
Bill Morgan commented
PLease resume the ability to comment on articles
MajorG commented
How long must we wait for an answer? Today would be a great day to return the ability for me to post comments to stories on AOL. It happens on every story, every URL and every article. AOL is going to have to address this problem member by member. I suggest you get on it.
Anonymous commented
Cuomo, ****, your still alive?
WALT Fish commented
I try to post on the stories on aol and it says sign in . I press the icon and NOTHING HAPPENS ...... It sends me to the top of the page and THAT IS IT !!!!! I WOULD LIKE AN ANSWER ..... What good is this feedback idea IF THERE IS N O F E E D B A C K !!!!!!!
MajorG commented
I have not been able to comment on any article for over a year. This is ridiculous and unreasonable. Reinstate my ability to comment again, please.
MajorG commented
Still no ability to comment. At least give us an explanation as to why.
Bill Morgan commented
You have removed the ability to comment on ALL articles
Bill Morgan commented
You have turned off the ability to comment on ALL articles
B Ra commented
Suddenly I can not make any comments. Why? Do not understand.
MajorG commented
Over a year, hundreds of requests to have it fixed and still no ability to comment, or an explanation as to why. I am not very happy with the lack of seriousness you seem to treat this issue.
Anonymous commented
trump is making bad decissions and putting american people in harms way.