Coffeemakers, and workers.
Today: As co-owner of AOL, I want to say: Hi! this is a comment that maybe is not late to think about it. I exposed before the need to fix the situation of the persons that works in the coffee companies and/or cafeterias, whether very known or not . The persons had the misfortune to had worked with people who asked , ordered, coaxionated, forced to obey orders of estupro, and when is being proven that they are innocents, is not only to clean the records, but too if they want to be integrated to the society is a need to have more places for they could sleep at low or to cost at all, because when freed or just allowed them to go, (many have not a formal sentence, charges but blackmailing) *** ordered them toasty, and work as estupradores not even coffee workers, and they have been adapting, even though a few of the personal is not officially working there, is necessary to care about the people who is leaving the company or does not have a place to sleep, because they maybe do not want to delinquit, but if they have not a place to stay and the rules of the beneficency are not clears, and sometimes they get raped at the shelthers because the rules are not clear or untold, tricky, etc., necessary to purveyed them of choices considering he fact of to sleep at the intemperie is not their fault but hey are not carcelarious or penitenciarious or presidiarios imposing themselves the cathegory in order to have a place top sleep and/or eat. This is important too. Thanks for allowed me to speak up. This is a consecuency of the *** and others abuse using the Fuerza Media "escoltas or guadias. If well not the only source. *** ( & ***)
Anonymous commented
I posted in internet for coffee news. but I want it to have in another place too. Please aol. make it public. at youtube.
Veronica Lopez ( & Grimes)
Co-Owner of AOL