Take the Swastika Necklace Off of AOL's Home Page (July 10, 2020 10:45). This is not "news" it is an anti-Semitic symbol of genocide.
As of 10:45 July 10, 2020, AOL has posted a photo of a Swastika necklace on its home page, which looks like an ad for the necklace but is actually supposedly "news" (in one sentence) about the fact that social media is in an uproar over the sale of this necklace. AOL is promoting anti-Semitism by posting this on your home page. This is not a "news story". What employee of AOL was so clueless-- or so anti-Semitic-- that they posted this symbol on its home page? The fact that social media was outraged is exactly why AOL should not post this. This is not legit news, it is not a "story" and doesn't belong on your home page. Take this photo down immediately and issue a public apology.