Do Some Honest Legal Research
You published an article about Kamala Harris and her eligibility to be Vice President, and you published a false conclusion of law. You did this because you only read Half of the Law. Yes being born on U.S. soil is consistent with being born a Citizen, but you left out the 2nd criteria to complete the process, ie, "subject to the Jurisdiction thereof''. To be born subject to the Jurisdiction of the Laws of the United States, and that means ALL LAWS, both parents must be citizens at the moment of birth, THAT is the LAW. Read the actual text of Section 1 of the14th Amendment, all of the Text. Congress, when passing the 14th Amendment, made it perfectly clear, that mere birth on Soil, does not Constitute Citizenship, it is only a fact of location, unless the parents are LEGAL Citizens of the soil on which one is born. I would post the Law, as well as the debate of the U.S. Senate that clarified the meaning of the text. According to those who wrote the text of the 14th Amendment, and the State Legislatures that ratified it, was that to be a "natural Born Citizen" of the United States, one not only has to be born on U.S. soil, but also, both Parents must be LEGAL U.S. citizens, all others are "Naturalized", not Native Born/Natural Born Citizens. Kamala Harris is not eligible to serve, and anyone who says she is, has never actually read the Constitution, and does not understand the concept of "Natural Born", no country on Earth accepts the children born to foreign citizens, whether on that soil legally or not, as their own citizens, only the United States does that, and it is because the meaning and intent of the Constitution, and the Individual Rights expressed therein are no longer taught to our children, but worst of all, the Media fails to tell the TRUTH about it.