f I write a document in, say, Word, and copy it to an email, why does the line spacing, and indents, have to go haywire?
if I write a document in, say, Word, and copy it to an email, why does the line spacing, and indents have to go haywire?
Why can I not select the font, and size, of text in the new arrangement? I can only get a small number of options, 'tiny, small, Large, x-Large and Huge' and Modern, Modern Wide, Classic, Classic Wide, Courier New, Garamond and Lucida Console. A poor choice, which has already compromised by business address (see below) which looks awful now.

Fort Nitro commented
When copying text from a Word document to an email, formatting issues such as line spacing and indentation may occur due to differences in how each platform handles text formatting. For more tips on document formatting and other writing-related topics, you can check out Paper24 on https://www.tiktok.com/@paper24com Word documents often contain complex formatting options that cannot easily be converted into an email format.