AOL Homepage Editors: Stop Being So Biased!
For years, each morning, I have relied on AOL news for updated information and current events in our country and around the world. However, I have noticed that the types of news articles available are constantly and consistently one-sided and show extreme bias. I have tried to leave comments on particular articles indicating unethical bias in the media that AOL shares, but my comments have been blocked.
I want the AOL Homepage Editors to stop selecting one-sided news and start showing both sides of a conflict.
Every morning sometime after October 7, 2023, AOL has only portrayed Israel as being the aggressor. There are NEVER any articles as to what really happened first. There are NEVER any articles about the good that Israel and the Jewish People do. There are NEVER any articles that show how innocent people in Israel are being bombed and killed each day.
When Sinwar was killed, I did not see any article about that story, except seeing pro-Palestinian protesters crying and mourning the loss.
How is your selection of articles for AOL viewers ethical?
Media Ethics 101-show BOTH sides to each story.
Stop consistently selecting one-sided stories.
You are assisting in creating a HATEFUL world, one filled with anger, and resentment, and full of antisemitic hate-fueled bias.
As an AOL fan, I am so disgusted by your news selections each day.
It's to the point that I actively search for that anti-Israel biased articles, and don't you know- I find one each and every day.
Stop it.
Thank you.