Can't enter comments into News articles on AOL Web Site.
I was working with tech support and their solution to my problem was to submit it to the customer feedback. So here we go:
I am logged into aol and was trying to comment on an article. after entering in my comments I noticed a blue button that said "Log In", I was already logged in but I clicked the button any way. That closed the comments including my new comment and sent me to the top of the page. Several things were tried but nothing they asked me to do or anything they did when the accessed my PC fixed the problem.
List of thing I did:
- Refreshed the Browser
- Tried a different Browser
- Logged of and back on on my browser
- Cleared the browser history and cache
I am using a windows PC and Chrome browser, also tried MSIE.
I am a long time AOL user at least 35 years and it disappoints me when Tech Support can't even address an issue. Sadly I do not expect a response from you. Maybe I will be surprised.

This isn't an Idea it is a problem I am having. Technical Support sent me here and said I had to submit a feedback form to "you". I have a low sense of confidence that I will hear back from "you"...