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495 results found
Barr's reputation
To suggest Barr's reputation is at stake is just a huge pile of BS. The deep state has been against Trump and anything he does or anyone he appoints. YOU are the one's who didn't hold hillary and bill accountable for their crimes. YOU are the one's who call everything "conspiracy theories".YOU are the ones who publish fake news and hide the truth. And I'm sure there is a huge cover-up in the death of Epstein. Yes, I hope he does uncover the REAL truth. And it won't go well for YOU and your leftist buddies. And maybe we'll all…
its 08/15 today. Checked your "news" if you wish to call it that...
Again, nothing political today . assume you could not find dirt to publish on Trump
You certainly could be unbiased and report the news showing how people have been aggressive and unpatriotic toward conservatives. BUT, by not, you show you are effectively trying to push a certain agenda.
Be open, be fair, be bipartisan, otherwise a biased news source is actually "fake" news, by not reporting NEWS, but reporting "NEWS YOU think I should hear" -
News graphics --not too graphic please!
News item today: far too graphic photo of victim with facial stab wound. Please no!
Hunter Biden troubles
This baby is the least of his and his father's problems. EVEN abc covered the "Russia" connection from Joe's influence making Hunter millions of bucks when he had 0 experience in the "job" he was hired for. YOU are slacking on the job as usual. Go back to your desks and find "dirt" on Trump. That's what YOU and the rest of your buddies are known for.
Reckgonizing long time members of AOL I have been with AOL 23 Years.
Recognizing long time members of AOL
NYT bullied
I rest my case. The leftist idiots even bully the new york times. That's all they are good for. They offer NO real solutions to any problem. When guns are outlawed only outlaws will have guns. Most liberals have no idea what they are protesting about. Even college students were surprised to learn that statements and issues they disagreed with were from Obama and not Trump. At least Tulsi Gabbard had the guts to show up Kamela Harris for what she really is.
Editorial team
I would suggest that your editorial team actually do some real reporting, instead of regurgitating the ** they get from the likes of nyt and ap and the rest. Do this instead of wasting our and your time by reviewing personal air conditioners. It looks like an evaporative ac would only work in dry climates anyway. DUH
Stop posting photos of the recent terrorists in El Paso and Dayton!!! They deserve ZERO attention!!!
celine enough with the crazee
celine enough already with the crazee. next time trump goes to see his new BFF rocketman you can tag along and compare haircuts. Kim might even like that big bird skirt you were wearing. it would go great with his military love doesnt mean you have to do every wack thing your lover suggests.
Stop with all the drag Queen videos.
What are you trying to accomplish? Give it a rest!
Date the Videos! When I click on a new article, the video does not have a description / date to determine if it's current.
Date the Videos! When I click on a new article, there is usually a video at the top of the story but there is nothing that identifies when it was first posted or if it's actually relevant to the current article.
Racist is an overused term
YOU and your leftist leaders are sooooo predictable. When attention is raised to what was obviously a democrat ***** up, you yell racist. The problem is, when something really racist, it is ignored. Human ***** and needles in the streets of San Francisco is a democrat CAUSED problem. But isn't a homeless problem it's a drug problem. The democrats accuse Republicans of EVERYTHING THEY HAVE DONE AND ARE DOING. And it takes Trump to push back and tell the real truth and not fake news.
When you have a headline that says someone is facing criticism for this or that, I take it with a grain of salt. I don't even follow the link because I know it's liberal, democrat, socialist, digested hay, comment.
where is the story on SNL mocking the veteran with only one eye?
Where is the story of SNL mocking the veteran who lost an eye in War??
I suggest a way for the user to select the type of articles and pictures presented.
User select only the areas interested in. For example, I do not look at fluff articles on TV or Movie stars; nor those about English royalty; nor gossip type news. Thanks for your consideration.
You could improve your image by dropping some of the radical "news" outlets.
Too much anti-American diatribe from HuffPost, Business Insider and Yahoo "News." Do they think that negativity sells papers?
Climate change conference
Here's the ultimate in hypocrisy.....The world's "elites" taking 140 private jets to Davos and pat each other on the back for their carbon footprint getting there. What a bunch of garbage. They are soooooo important that they can do anything because they might save the planet....I don't think so
Have a clear way to submit corrections to news
Hi! I tried calling your helpline today (800-827-6364) and was told submitting something here was the only way to correct a fact published on your news site. I'm trying to get in touch with Katie Mather who wrote this article ( about our camp. We're so glad you picked up this news about us, but we do need to correct some nonfactual info. We host six camp sessions each summer, but they are not six weeks in length, as the article states. Rather, they are five days/4 nights each. Also, the individuals we serve have intellectual, developmental, and/or…
LOSE HuffPost!!!
My distaste for your news source is as obvious as your source's bias.
- Don't see your idea?