Stop harassing users asking for sign in code daily-You are pompuos idiots not caring about users
10-6 and 10-9 Stop harassing users asking daily for verification code-you are not a financial institution but bleeping email. Also, we do
not log in our credit card/bank accounts daily. Fix the issue
unless you harassing users solely for racist or political
reasons. Using VPN is a modern technology to protect
account and we do not have to drop it for your atavistic
convenience. This is IT terror not protecting cunsumers. You are pompous self-importan a,,holes

Mindy Malone commented
10-6 and 10-7 Stop harassing users asking daily for verification code-you are not a financial institution but bleeping email. Also, we do
not log in our credit card/bank accounts daily. Fix the issue
unless you harassing users solely for racist or political
reasons. Using VPN is a modern technology to protect
account and we do not have to drop it for your atavistic
convenience. This is IT terror not protecting cunsumers. You are pompous self-importan a,,holes