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375 results found

  1. get real help!4days trying to change password!Why do I have to pay for help? I pay way too much, Sprint is looking better!Totally fed up can

    maybe you can really givehelp!Why amI paying for help to just change password??totally fed up after 4 days trying

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  2. I am sorry all my efforts are not handled ****** content emails still I must leave aol 07/01/2020 good bye!!

    horrible ****** content it must be too much for you to handle so sad I really liked AOL.COM had it for years must leave by 07/01/2020! have you let me down!!

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  3. As Usual AOL creates two problems when there is only one.

    I am a paying member so AOL offers live help. But one has to wait forever for the live help, so in addition to seeking a solution AOL frustrates the user by being forever creaky in its response.

    Suggestion #1. Since live help is wasteful of the users time, why not provide a link for email directly on the "seeking help" page.

    Suggestion #2. Why I'm writing this in the first place. I am getting increasing numbers of SPAM with the address that starts out UnknownSender@.... The remainder of the address varies. Is there some way I can automatically…

    108th ranked

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  4. Increase tech knowledge/level for Help Desk

    There ought to be a way for Tech Assistant on a call to refer a problem to a certified webmaster. We experienced a problem whereby the email auto-complete for an address would ONLY print BOTH the Contact Name and the Email address. This made it impossible to send certain group messages when I only wanted folks to see email addresses, not names. The telephone tech assistant did all she could AND received NO HELP from whoever the Level One person was. You really need to enable a referral (for a subsequent call, if necessary) so that some resolution can be…

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  5. I have no idea but I did have a question...

    I think 15 minutes is long enough to wait for someone to help you when you ask a definitive question. Am beginning to reconsider AOL. Maybe "too big for your britches???"

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  6. I hate your blue app

    Your blue app ***. I want the old black and white only. Been an aol consumer for years and you really messed up. Again, I hate your blue app

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  7. 108th ranked

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  8. You sent out messages that might as well have been in a foreign language. I guess I will have to see what happens at the end of October.

    We're not all Computer savy. I can drive my car, but I can't begin to understand how to change oil, sparkplugs, brake fluid, etc. Think about it! I've stayed with AOL since the 90's, and have even paid for access all these years, even though I've been told by others I'm wasting my money. I've paid thinking you would take care of changes etc.

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  9. I cant believe that you could not, no would not help my son upgrade his new cell number so he could reset his password UNLESS we PAID!


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  10. I HATE AOL!!!!!!!YOU GUYS ARE ********.


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  11. auto add email addresses

    discontinue auto add email addresses

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  12. How Do I control spam ... a button that says this is not spam is NOT helpful... we need a button that says THIS IS SPAM ... Thank you

    We need a button that says THIS IS SPAM ... not one that confirms I want to keep this sender in my list

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  13. Give local news on AOL Homepage Where It Says Local News

    Ever since you got Yahoo to do your Local News on AOL Home Page I am NOT getting local news. You used to use a local newspaper or TV station for local News but today for instance I got Ohio News. Other days it is news for other parts of the United States,. I know Verizon now owns AOL and Yahoo but Yahoo is NOT giving LOCAL NEWS. I have written to you earlier about this but still getting news that is NOT LOCAL. Please correct this or get rid of LOCAL NEWS part of news page.

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  14. 177th ranked

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  15. 177th ranked

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  16. 177th ranked

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  17. Your app ***

    I have had this account since aol was founded. Now I am considering moving to another provider. This decision, on your part, is absurd and problematic. I already get laughed at for maintaining my aol account, so your decision is to make it worse?

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  18. Shorter wait time for tech support

    Have more technicians available

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  19. 177th ranked

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  20. remove birthdate from personal accounts

    Its private data according to the U.S. government

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