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AOL Help

If you would like to provide feedback for a particular AOL product, please visit our feedback site to select the particular product you wish to provide information about.

This forum is for you to make suggestions and provide thoughtful feedback about the AOL Help site. We’re always trying to improve our site and we can use the most popular feedback to make a positive change!

This forum is not monitored for any support-related issues. If you need assistance of any kind, please visit our help site.

Tell us how we can improve AOL Help. The more specific your feedback, the more useful for us. While we can’t respond to every suggestion, we review regularly and take them very seriously.

366 results found

  1. Switc back to Classic AOL

    I am having a lot of problems with the New AOL. The Classic AOL was MUCH BETTER!
    FIRST - I cannot find the Times Roman Font that I need to use to submit my poetry. I cannot find Ariel Font either.
    WHY DID YOU REMOVE the two most popular fonts for submitting literature?

    I tried to get my classic AOL back and was told that it was no longer available.
    In Fact ... I am having problems with the new AOL. When I copy & paste my work to submit (poems) they all paste as double-spaced, then I have…

    1st ranked
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  2. I want my OLD AOL site, the new one sucks!

    I want my OLD AOL site, the new one sucks!

    1st ranked
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  3. I have no idea but I did have a question...

    I think 15 minutes is long enough to wait for someone to help you when you ask a definitive question. Am beginning to reconsider AOL. Maybe "too big for your britches???"

    3rd ranked
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  4. go back to old aol

    go back to old aol in chat rooms an conversation rooms

    4th ranked
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  5. Return to old format PLEASE


    5th ranked
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  6. do not like this platform want my old aol back how dare you change it

    hate this go back to old way not nice or friendly

    5th ranked
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  7. your aol "help" is a farce and insult

    your aol "help" is a farce and insult

    7th ranked
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  8. Email for help

    As a current member(3o years or more) phone or live chat is not convenient for my needs. Email should be available for members also.

    8th ranked
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  9. quit screwing with things that are working

    quit screwing with things that are working

    9th ranked
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    10th ranked
    1 comment  ·  Admin →
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  11. Return the old format.

    Return the old format!

    11th ranked
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  12. AOL Basic

    How do I get it?

    11th ranked
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  13. 11th ranked
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  14. 14th ranked
    1 comment  ·  Admin →
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  15. 8 weeks and counting Please fix " Generate app password" I prefer emails in my computer's OUTLOOK Thanks

    8 weeks and counting Please fix " Generate app password" I prefer emails in my computer's OUTLOOK Thanks

    14th ranked
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  16. stop saying get help 24/7 when it cant be done when the office is closed dumb aol

    stop saying get help 24/7 because but cant be done when the office is closed. aol is dunb

    14th ranked
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  17. 17th ranked
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  18. Here is an idea. When people are contacting AOL about not being ale to log in make it easy to find an email that does not require logging i

    It is real simple provide a simple to find email address to email AOL about not being able to log in to AOL instead of requiring a person that cant log into AOL to log in to AOL or sit on hold for now at 18 and counting minutes listening to annoying chirpy music and a recorded voice apologizing.

    18th ranked
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  19. What is this new format you are forcing on us!

    I am not ready for this. It doesn't fit my needs!!

    19th ranked
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  20. 19th ranked
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