Make account cancellation easier to navigate. I spend over an hour trying to cancel System Mechanic. Your services are closed!
I wanted to cancel my System Mechanic trial. It took an hour to find a way to accomplish this. Make cancellation less complicated and navigation more obvious.

DANA STANLEY commented
I tried to use your System Mechanic service several times. It is not working for me and my computer. never changes anything on computer and still slow and freezing a lot.
I want to CANCEL my service. Thank you for canceling this serves. -
SAM CHIU commented
I found the "cancel" for my free trials but when I click on it. it jumpped to offer 2 months free trial. I just could not cancel what I want to cancel.
Please advise. -
My email with AOL was hacked. I don't know what is harder, changing my email to every person and vendor or trying to cancel my AOL email. A representative guided me to the appropriate site but got off the phone before I finished the process. Once I hit CANCEL, it told me I am not eligible to cancel my account!!!!
james miller commented
Nice game you play trying to cancel your account
I want to cancel Yahoo Home Plus Protection $ 14.99. I could not do it online even with AOL tech support. Cancellation department did not talk to me, even I called 4 timers.
Supervisor of the cancellation department supposed to call me but he never did. .I waited his call ans also wasted nearly 6 hours by trying cancel. This is not the way to deal business. I am 20 years AOL customer. I am very angry. This product is not what I was told when they tried to sell. I did not know their work was only 60 days guarantee. Each time I must pay $99. I do not need this. Cancel immediately. -
CHRIS STARK commented
The system Mechanic I downloaded from Aol does not work on my laptop. It is still running slow, even slower. I want to cancel it.
Joseph r Oleskow commented
I tried to use your System Mechanic service several times. It is not working for me and my computer.
I want to CANCEL my introductory service. Please make it so. Contact me at -
Judith Karver commented
Judith Karver commented
You keep charging us for Tech Fortress, Search and Recover. My husband and I never ordered this program, and we will not pay for it.
Laura commented
I am paying $21.99 a month but do not see what I am getting. I would like to cancel the fee service.
Frances commented
I am still getting random emails from defunct aol account. I have no password to cancel account. Please help delete this account !,,,,
John commented
Do not waste your time with the free trial.of system mechanics It only works 1 once. I just got off the phone with their support. If you want to run it again you must buy it. Trial says 30 days and you can use it once-false and deceptive to offer this product. I have been a member since the 199+ and this really is a scam. I now have to search how to get this off my machines, which now is not running correctly after the free trial. BEWARE OF SYSTEM MECHANICS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Connie(Elizabeth) commented
I agree I wanted to cancel most of my subscriptions and only keep my aol mail, but I cannot find a way to do it. I pay $16.99 for memberships and $3.99 for I guess aol. Come on now.
Anonymous commented
Wonder if BBB would help. This is really terrible. No way to treat long standing loyal customers. No way to run a business. I am also going to look into transferring my business.
Anonymous commented
Ditto!! Terrible business. Makes me angry!! Very!!!!
Eric Caruso commented
I was basically "railroaded" TWICE by two different 'agents' into 'trying the free trial' and I did not get to use the service within that 30 day period because I had more important things to 'do with my life than hanging the phone waiting for support either by Chat or phone for several hours (and I also got tossed around to different departments because of a ***** up with AOL a moth or two ago and it happened to have deleted my email for several months back!
So I decided to try the program out and cannot find anything in my "Members Benefits" to download the program. When I type in "SM" I am taken to a web page that shows downloads for the programs up to $50.00 or so.I tried to go through "Chat" which is a joke on AOL since it takes hours to get someone to respond and I am not paying whatever the cost is for 24-7 phone support, because I would probably be on the phone with them for long periods of time. -
Anonymous commented
I apparently clicked one System Mechanic trial, did not specifically ask to continue, now I've been charged, it is not in my list of AOL apps I can use - or even subscribe to so - will I continue to get billed or worse, just have it added to my monthly bill. This looks like shady dealings by AOL - one more reason that I should move on.
Darrell commented
I agree with Anonymous, it seems like some kind of stall tactic. I will keep trying! I hope I don't have to change my debit card over it!
Anonymous commented
oh, it is even more worse than that. I want to cancel my entire aol account that I've had since 1996 and have been led through some bizarre maze. Then I found out Verizon bought aol. So, THEN, I decided to rethink the phone and tv agreement I have with Verizon. I am so sick of Verizon - this one pushed me over the edge.
Anonymous commented
Oh, It is worse than that, My card got canceled because of one of the advertisers on Aol and that canceled System Mechanic.
System Mechanic then hung my machine. Ctrl/Alt/Delete was my only way out.
I am ****** and after almost 20 years with AOL, I'm done.
Besides, why would I pay for the intense advertising.
AOL, fix this or I am gone.