Why can't I reply to post!!!
Your site prevents me from responding to comments left on my posts. It's unexpectable to allow someone to post on your site, then let someone react to that post, then prevent the person who posted it originally from posting again.
I want you to remove my account from the site entirely. All usage data, all browsing data. I no longer whish to interact with your site, I simply want to be removed completely and removed from your databases.
No other option, other than complete removal shall be considered, since you cannot commit to your end of the agreement.
Contact me if you want more details.
Mike Bryan commented
Agree with this complaint but most of all there is no ability to edit the user profile or visible screen name. Somehow my screen name is my email address. Not interested in receiving the 10 million ads that will come to my inbox if that ends up getting openly published. You guys need to think through the site a bit better. So take me off your rolls please
KEVIN HERTZ commented
I have the same problem.
I was a Debater for 6 years.