Stop posting blatant political stories from other sources. Also stop blocking Ad blockers.
In case you forgot, this is an Auto site, not a political site. It's also past time you truly start monitoring user comments. Enough said? I doubt it. In case you haven't noticed - The site is turning into a cesspool of political comment, that has little or nothing to do with autos.
Also discontinue blocking Ad blockers. Many of us don't want to wade through pop ups, ads that mean little. So it makes you a few bucks, you mean Verizon doesn't have any money? Many have commented on this before.
And how about a direct contact point instead of a "suggestion" page?
I'll also add, the editorial content has slipped with many mistakes and far less in depth than you used to carry.
I've been here a good number of years and how you've changed is disappointing.

gilpregent commented
Hey Rick, Intotally agree with your comment and I’ve posted one under the same subject. They really need to add moderators to this site, otherwise they will loose some quality members. Cheers from member AMG.