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3 results found
Get your deifinitions right
Nicolas Cage reveals gender of baby he is expecting...
This headline is incorrect It is impossible to know someones gender before they are born. 'Gender' is socially constructed. Gender is an identity we are assigned or assume usually in response to the appearance of our genetalia and the way in which we are socially conditioned as male humans to behave a as MEN or female humans as WOMEN.
This baby does not have a known gender. She has a known biological SEX. Her SEX is FEMALE. She will in all likleyhood assume the gender Woman but who knows.
50th ranked -
How to Optimize Email Deliverability for Your AOL Users
When it comes to filtering email, AOL listens to their customers. According to Rock, AOL doesn’t want to deliver email that their users don’t want or expect. He estimates that fewer than 5% of the email messages that arrive at their server door are legitimate, permission-based emails. The rest of the emails, AOL filters out.
Similar to the other ISP representatives at the EEC this year, Rock explained that he doesn’t have visibility into whether an AOL subscriber clicks an email message. This is both a technological challenge for the ISPs as well as a privacy issue. AOL’s privacy…
79th ranked -
Stop making up stories that are not true. I am not sure what you have against Meghan but your stories on her are nothing short of racism
I just wonder why every time I log on to AOL there is a negative view or story about Meghan Merkle. This is quite disturbing that critical and racist statements are always made about her. More worrying is that you try and make Kate look good always and Meghan look like she's a nightmare. Please if you cannot be honest and fair in your broadcast just dont say or write anything!
79th ranked
- Don't see your idea?