I believe your comments page is a faulty and unhelpful one. you have a system which is a one way judgement which denys Free Speech
I think it is time you ceased from your AI Bot method of dealing with people's comments. You are totally against people expressing the truth; even when they do so in an intelligent and non-aggressive and non-abusive manner. You give no feed-back as to why somemone's viewpoint has been rejected, questioned (red-boxed); or any genuine attempt to provide answers. Yours is a one way Stalinist process and is judgemental from a limited and U.S liberal viewpoint. Things you deem "offensive or "aggessive" or "impolite" are not so in my country; and I write from the United Kingdom, whose language and idioms you and your computer programmers appear not to understand.Your computer blocks, rejects or queries perfectly normal speech ; and it is 'OUR LANGUAGE" not yours. Americans rejected British Rule and British control in 1776, yet your organisation runs a 'comments' section in which you suppress "FREE SPEECH" in the manner of the worst of dictatorships, like Communist China, The Soviet Union, Federalist Russia and Iran. How do you square this circle ? Or don't you care ? Silicon Valley is full of organisations like yours controlling and diverting people's thoughts to your own limited viewpoints and suppressing perfectly reasonable and rationale opinions; because you can. I see no reason why any public forum has need, outside of legal controls, to use foreign (and you are foreign to my country) suppression of Free Speech, while pretending to believe in the ideas of "The Land Of The Free And The Home Of the Brave" we in the West were evidently gulled into believing. How are you different in this from the Iranian Mullahs, Soviet Commissars, Chinese Party Officials or North Koreans when you use the same suppression of what can or cannot be expressed ? I think my "improvement" you have requested is that you review and improve your repressive and autocratic manner of running your comments pages which are against the basic Freedoms Thomas Paine and your own 1775 Revolutionaries attacked my country for, using what was, and remains in the history of our countries, "Seditious Treason against the British Crown". Are you still fighting that war, which allegedly ceased in 1783 ? And why does your judgement base itself on obscure U.S, Liberalist ideas when ours is the originator of your language, which you have corrupted, while suppressing our version of its usage ? My idea is that you re-consider how you run the Comments section to make it inclusive of the country you are running it in. Otherwise, what we see is something psychologically far worse than the regime run for British/American colonials back in the 18th century and is not a mark of pride in western Freedom Of Speech. People need to exchange views without a foreign headmaster overseeing how they use their own language; especially where it is being overseen by robots and people to whom it is clearly not their First Language.