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Tell us how we can improve AOL. The more specific your feedback, the more useful for us. While we can’t respond to every suggestion, we review regularly and take them very seriously.
2 results found
Bring back the AOL Chat Rooms
I have been with AOL for many, many years. Needless to say, I know you got a lot of flack for shutting down AOL's chat rooms and removing the messengers so all it is, is a news and email server and nothing more. However, here is an idea to make AOL extremely profitable again.
Restart the chat rooms the way it used to be, before it was closed down.
However, you could do an "AOL Premium" as well. For the premium price, depending on the level people pay for, they could get certain perks.
For the lowest monthly premium, they'd…
2347th ranked -
no local news for 3 weeks
******* no local news for 3 weeks *******
2347th ranked
- Don't see your idea?