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Tell us how we can improve AOL. The more specific your feedback, the more useful for us. While we can’t respond to every suggestion, we review regularly and take them very seriously.
2 results found
I am totally '****** off' witjh Aol. I was reading an article about Man refusedc to be served and was interruped several times with POPup for Mc afee. I restarted reading the article about 5 times and repeatedly got interrupted again and again with the same ad. I wanted to finished the article but the popups kept coming up. Totally ;'****** off's This was an article about a man who wanted to get breakfast, went to diner waided 45 minutes only to no be served and laughed at. He left and came back the next day dressed in uniform (CHIEF…
140th ranked -
my account:, can't comment at the bottom of new articles, auto BLOCK is on, please correct this
recently i am blocked from making ANY comment at the bottom of aol news articles, i don't curse or threaten or use abusive language, this is an error OR someone that disagreed with a political comment objected, that should not justify blocking me . account : . please email me when corrected . thanks !
109th ranked
- Don't see your idea?